Should modules export their test output dir? Mikael Karlsson Created May 18, 2006 15:09 Is it a good idea that modules expose their test output directory to dependent modules?It seems strange to me. Could it at least be an option?/Mikael
Hello Mikael,
They do so only for test source roots of dependent modules. I.e. production
depends on production and test depend on production and tests. Seem reasonable,
Maxim Shafirov
JetBrains, Inc
"Develop with pleasure!"
That seems reasonable. Generated ant files seem to work differently. Here's a sample:
The ant file appears to make both production output and test output of the orange
module available to the production code of the banana module.
Hello Mikael,
That's a bug indeed.
Maxim Shafirov
JetBrains, Inc
"Develop with pleasure!"