Properties files/resource bundle/native-to-ascii conversion
i have this annoying problem for a very long time now. Today i run into the problem again and this time i will ask: :)
When i edit resource bundles and add some character like german umlauts idea will convert them for me into the proper encoding like "\u00F3". That is great! Except that people who are using Netbean will use the lowercase version ("\u00f3") instead. So when i change a resource bundle from in a team where everyone else uses Netbeans and change a single umlaut, i will make all encodings uppercase. When you look at a diff it look like i changed the whole file. :-(
When i use the JDK native2ascii tool is will use lowercase:
~/opt/jdk1.6.0_30/bin> echo '\u00AB' | native2ascii -reverse | native2ascii
~/opt/jdk1.7.0/bin> echo '\u00AB' | native2ascii -reverse | native2ascii
Netbeans belongs to Sun and now Oracle. So i would say lowercase it the correct way.
So my questions is: does IDEA uses is's own implementation of native2asccii and is there a way to make IDEA generate lowercase encodings.
Thanks in advance,
PS: I'm using IDEA 11, but as far as i recall it was the same with IDEA 10 and IDEA 9.
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Hallo Stefan,
I'll check the sources and provide the answer here later today.
I've checked the code and yes, there is a custom converter at IJ that is implemented to use upper-case letters.
I've created corresponding feature request. You'll get it at the next EAP.
Nice! And thanks for the quick feedback! :-)