Commandline tool run projectsprout commands
Hello all,
I have intellij 11 and I was trying to set up the the commandline tool so that I can run some generator tools I've made but I can't figure it out. All my tools are in /usr/bin so I create a new alias and point it there. Now, from what I've read on the webhelp pages I need to somehow register the commands from this folder I was to run in the definiation xml. But this is where I am stuck. I have no idea what format to add these commands in.
Any help would be great!
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Please check this reference page.
as far as i understand, your xml file is already generated in .idea/commandlinetools/<framework name>.xml, with root framework element. It should contain command elements like:
<help>My first task with no parameters.</help>
See more in tutorial, in Loading and Enabling a Custom Framework part.
Elena, that is exactly what I am looking for! But I'm still having and issue.
I've added my commands and autocomplete shows them to me. But when I run the command it just sits there and when I try to stop it it just does the same. I'm using 11 on mac.
Could you show your configuration file?
As far as i see, you want to invoke /usr/bin/rl-view with classname parameter calling sprout. Here is config:
You need empty name to avoid extra space between /usr/bin and rl-view.
By the way, command line tool takes an xml description for each executable, so, having many executables, it is reasonable to use External tools (Settings | External tools). You can configure executable, constant parameters, and parameters depending on the file executable is applied to with macroses.
Hmm. It just seems to hang. But it external tools would be better I'll move in that direction. But I have a question there too, but it's not direcrly related to intellij. I try to execute my command and it complains that it can't
I imagine this is actually what is happening with my command line tool, but its just not showing me the error >.< should I make a bash script that just calls this command in a place that it would work?
It should show you that error. Maybe it gets different environment variables from IDE and from termnal?