Inspection UI Bugs & Enhancements (As of 5.1 build 4148)

I think the IDEA Inspections is probably the 2nd defining feature of
IntelliJ after refactoring. The out-of-the-box automatic hilighting
in the editor provides an instant value to first time users, and the
quickfixes is a wow factor.

I esp. like the different ways to view and fix the problems. You can
fix an individual problem with keyboard frindly ALT+ENTER, or you can hit
ALTSHIFTI to Inspect Code with the Editor Settings profile to see all the
problems found for the current file in the Inspection Results tree panel where
you can apply quick fixes for a groups of problems in one click. Or you can
invoke Analyze|Inspect Code to inspect all code in a package or the entire

I have filed some Jira requests for some useability problems and enhancements.
Now I have combed through the Jira database and found many other great ideas
that others filed.

I am going to summarize ideas for improvement of Inspection UI (Analyze|Inspect
Code, Errors Settings panel, Inspection Res

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Analyze|Inspect Code -> Specify Inspection Scope Dialog

  • Sometimes you want to run a single inspection, e.g. c-style array declaration,

for your entire project, rather than run all of your default inspections. For
alot of people, it is impossible to inspect your entire project with many
inspection enabled because IDEA will run out of memory (even with -Xmx set to
2 GB).

The Analyze|Inspect Code Specify Inspection Scope dialog does let you choose
which profile to use and you can click ... to popup the Errors settings dialog.
However, in order to analyze for a single inspection, you need to Copy an
existing profile, give it a name, then unselect everything -- which is
difficult because there is not an overall unselect all button -- and then
select the one inspection you want.

Some enhancements that could make this easier:
- Add a deselect all / select all checkbox to the tree. Currently you can only unselect/select
all for each folder, e.g. Abstraction issues.
- Add a New.. button which would create a new profile with nothing selected.

But a better solution would be to enhance Specify Inspection Scope dialog so that for
Inspection Profile you could chooose Custom... Clicking Custom... would pop up a subset of
the Errors Settings panel, except only with the tree portion, not the Profile: section at
the top. All inspections would be unselected. Then, you could select your one inspection you
wanted, e.g. c-style array declaration. (IDEA-6318, Keith Lea)

  • New Inspection Scope: All Uncommitted Files (IDEABKL-3371, Alain Ravet)

  • BUG: Custom Scope: Current File doesn't work. It tries to scan the whole project. (No Jira#,AlexL)

  • Cosmetics: If you select a custom scope from the combobox, it should autoselect the Custom Scope radio button. (No Jira#,AlexL)

  • If you select multiple files / direcotories / packages in the project tree, the Specify Inspection

Scope dialog just ignores it, and will default to Whole Project. This behavior is confusing because
other IDEA features accept multiple select in the project tree. For example, Generify... will show
all the selected directories/packages and analyze only those. (IDEABKL-2512,Alain Ravet) (IDEABKL-231,Alain Ravet)

- Please make Analyze|Inspect Code work with multiple selected directories, packages, and files in the project tree.

Don't require creation of new inspection profile for Analyze Code (Keith Lea)

new Inspection Scope: "all uncommited files" (Alain Ravet)

(option to) merge code source trees before code inspection. (Alain Ravet)

multi-selection wrong handling, with 'Inspect Code'. (Alain Ravet)

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IDE Settings -> Errors

Lots of good ideas on how to make the Errors Settings Dialog more pleasurable.

  • Need a select/unselect all checkbox at the top of the tree (IDEA-3721,AlexL)

  • The tree pane should be resizable (IDEABKL-3481,AlexL)

  • Would like to have an additional filter 'Quickfix

Available' which would only show inspections which have a
Quickfix. Or alternatively, you could put a Quickfix icon
next to each inspection name which supports a Quickfix.
Quickfixes are awesome, and you should give them greater
visibility. (IDEA-3720,AlexL)

  • Filter should filter tree as you type. (IDEA-3940,Thomas Singer)

  • Filter should allow AND searched (e.g. final parameter' searches for a inspection which contains "final" and "parameter") (IDEA-3940,Thomas Singer)

  • Filter should hilight the search keywords in the inspection names in the tree and also in the description text for

more rapid visual recognition. (IDEA-3940, Stephen Kelvin)

  • Filtered items should be initially expanded: If I use the filter I look for specific inspections. (IDEA-3940, Stephen Kelvin)

  • Add Rename... button (IDEABKL-31214,Rob Harwood)

- current workaround: Copy.. to new name, delete old one.

  • Add New... button (No Jira#, AlexL)

- current workaround: Copy... for new profile, manually unselect all, then select desired

  • Add additional warning levels to indicate the potential impact to the code, e.g. minor, major, critical. This would give finer grain control over the display in the editor and also grouping in the Inspection Results window. Whenever I run a full analysis on my code, all the found items are warning, so sorting by severity doesn't help. And it could, and it should:

- naming violations
are less important than
- unused code
that's in turn less important than
- most probable bugs. (IDEA-1986,Alain Ravet)

  • More inspection profiles needed out-of-the-box to showcase IntelliJ's power,e.g. Core Java developer,

J2EE developer, Javadoc, ProbableBugs, etc. (IDEA-6258, Michal Szklanowski)

  • TEAMWARE: Errors settings panel should re-synchronize the inspection profiles upon entry (IDEA-6406,Niels Ull Harremos)

  • Cosmetics: IDE Settings - Errrors - When you click 'Collapse All' it won't collapse a branch that has the currently selected item. (IDEA-3723, AlexL)

  • Cosmetics: Sometimes 'Edit Settings' toolbar action in Inspection Results window

doesn't scroll the tree to make the selected inspection item visible (IDEA-4354,AlexL)


IDE Settings - Errors - Need a 'select all' at the top of the tree (AlexL)

IDE Settings - Errors - Quickfix Available filter and/or Quickfix icon decoration next to inspection name and/or Quickfix note in description. (AlexL)

Settings-> Errors should allow the tree pane to be resizable (AlexL)

"Choose Inspection Profiles" dialog: improve filtering (Thomas Singer)

Can't change the name of inspection profiles (Rob Harwood)

split "warning" inspection severity into finer grained warning-1..warning-3 (IDEA-1986,Alain Ravet)

More inspection profiles needed (Michal Szklanowski)

Reread files from config/codestyles, config/inspections etc when config (Niels Ull Harremos)
dialog opens.

IDE Settings - Errrors - When you click 'Collapse All' it won't collapse a branch that has the currently selected item. (AlexL)

Sometimes 'Edit Settings' toolbar action in Inspection Results window
doesn't scroll the tree to make the selected inspection item visible (AlexL)

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Editor (Inspection Tooltip, ALT+ENTER menu)

  • BUG: I keep having this problem where I will use ALTSHIFTI to run

Analyze|Inspect Code on the current file, and then when I click in the
Inspection Results tree to goto a problem line, I will attempt to press ALT+
ENTER to access the quick fix, but the menu entries will be missing! If I
then move my mouse over the line to get the tooltip to appear (sometimes
have to do this a couple times), then usually hitting ALT+ENTER again will
show the menu items. This has been an annoying problem and significantly
reduced my pleasure. Anybody else seen this? (No Jira#, AlexL)

  • Tooltip: I think every error/warning should be instead of a small tooltip,

a bigger javadoc-style tooltip, with a link to the inspection description,
options, and quick fixes. Of course the intentions should still come up with
alt+enter. This redesign would be welcome, I think - for example, the way "
Show xx options" is the only intention if the inspection has no quick-fixes,
seems crufty and confusing. Similarly, showing options is not much of an
intention, in the traditional definition of intention that IDEA introduced. (
IDEABKL-2643,Markus Halttunen) (IDEA-5869,Keith Lea)

If you want some inspiration, see attached screenshot of the SiteAdvisor plugin in Firefox.

The tooltip style could really be improved. You could add a small border
with an arrow anchor pointer to the related code. Also, you could add
quickfix, suppression, and edit settings icons in the tooltip. Allow the
user to mouse over the tooltip and select an action. That is more intuitive
then to have to click on the text and press ALT+ENTER.

Note: You might need to have two version of the tooltip. One for use for mousing over
the gutter error stripes and one for in the editor pane. The reason is that you are
more likely to have more errors stacked together in the gutter. (See attached screenshot).
I supposed you could have a cool effect that as you mouse over each item, it expands out
into the full entry w/ the full description, etc. Or you could have another window which shows
the details of the item infocus as you mouse over the tooltip.

  • Cosmetics: use thin (one pixel) line when showing multiple inspection

tooltips for one line. (IDEABKL-1783,Bas Leijdekkers)

  • Useability: First attempt at modifying inspection settings from Alt-Enter

should be much easier (IDEA-3152,Rob Harwood)


User should not have to click "Show 'xx' options" to see description of the inspection (Keith Lea)

Easy access to inspection descriptions (Markus Halttunen)

use thin (one pixel) line when showing multiple on-the-fly inspection
messages (Bas Leijdekkers)

First attempt at modifying inspection settings from Alt-Enter should be
much easier (Rob Harwood)

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Inspection Results Tool Window

  • Should be able to have multiple code inspection tabs just like I can have several "find in path" tabs. (IDEABKL-514,Jonas Kvarnstrom)

  • Should be able to rerun only selected inspections. (IDEABKL-515,Jonas Kvarnstrom)

When I run Analyze-> Inspect Code on my entire workspace it takes a long time.

As I go over the results, I may find one inspection that has 100s of
results (or more). I may fix some fo the warnings, and suppress some. I
would then like to rerun just that one inspection to see what is left.

My main reason for needing to rerun the inspection is to reduce the
clutter of the items I have already fixed.

An alternative / partial solution would be to allow the user to delete
items from the tree that way I could manually reduce the clutter of the
items I am done with. That doesn't completely solve it, but makes the
pain less. (See next item)

  • Items should be marked strikethrough rather than be removed after quickfix is applied so that the changes can be reviewed (IDEA-3724,AlexL)

After applying a quickfix, IDEA automatically removes the entry from
the Inspection Results tree, and the focus moves to another item which
causes the Editor to jump to that item if you have AutoScroll to source

This is a pain in the ***, most of the time, esp. on first use, I am
not 100% trusting that the quickfix was correct, and would like to
check what it did.

I would like IDEA to keep the completed items, but mark them as done. (
strikethrough). The Find window has a similar capability; if you press
DELETE the items are marked with strikethrough.

That way, if I do a single quickfix, I can check the change afterwards
because the inspection item will still be in the tree, so the
autoscroll to some other inspection wouldn't have happened.

If I did multiple quickfixes en masse, I would also want the inspection
items retained with strikethrough. There may be a problem clicking back
on these because they may become INVALID, but I could manually goto the
classes/line numbers to check.

(See related "IDEA Find Usages and Find in Path should make best effor to jump to source for INVALID items"

- Also, I would like to be able to press DELETE myself so I can mark
items which I have manually fixed so I can keep track of them from the
ones I haven't fixed yet.

- A new toolbar icon 'cleanup' or 'remove deleted' which would remove
the strikethrough items. After you have reveiwed the changes, you could
press this to cleanup the completed items.

+ This icon could be stateful. If depressed, it will auto-remove-
deleted (same behavior as now). If you unenable it, then the
completed items will be strikethrough and remain in the tree until
you depress this button again.

  • BUG: Inspection Results incorreclty says JSP file is Read-only (IDEADEV-2507,AlexL)

  • Add Collapse All/Expand All icons (IDEABKL-3239,Alain Ravet) (IDEABKL-314,Jonas Kvarnstrom)

-If a subtree is selected (ex: 'Probable Bugs"), I'd like the new action to be limited to that subtree.

  • Add toolbar icons 'Group By Package', 'Group By Class', 'Group By Method' so user can control how nested

the results are. (No Jira#, AlexL)

The Inspection Results Tree can be six levels deep! For example:
Inspection Name->
Package Name->
Class Name->
Method Name->

For many purposes, it might be ok to Remove the Package, and/or Class, and/or Method grouping levels
to create a flatter tree that is easier to navigate. I find I spend alot of time opening folders!
(Related Jira Request IDEA-3832, Thomas Raugust)

  • Useability: Add a toolbar button to disable selected inspections from the profile. (IDEABKL-2494,Alain Ravet)

- When you are initially trying to find an idea set of inspections to
use for you editor hilighting and Analyze| Inspect Code, a typical
method is to start with all the inspections enabled, try it out, and
then start disabling the inspections you don't want. It is kindof
tedious to hit the Edit Settings button for each one and unselect it in
the Errors panel.

  • BUG: Inspection panel: Accept then cancel resolution => inspection result removed anyway (IDEA-5631,Jonas Kvarnstrom)

- If you accept a quickfix, but then it required additional confirmation or fails due to restriction,
the inspection result is removed anyway.


Code inspection: View multiple results (Jonas Kvarnstrom)

Code inspection: Rerun individual inspections (Jonas Kvarnstrom)

Inspection Results - Improved workflow when applying quickfixes (AlexL)

Inspection Results incorreclty says JSP file is Read-only (AlexL)

Inspection result panel: add Collapse all/expand all icons (Alain Ravet)

Add "Expand All" and "Collapse All" to the code inspection pane (Jonas Kvarnstrom)

sort inspection results contained in one source file/class by line number and not by name (Thomas Raugust)

inspection result panel: add 1 button for quick profile pruning (Alain Ravet)

Inspection panel: Accept then cancel resolution => inspection result (Jonas Kvarnstrom)
removed anyway

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While reviewing the jira requests related to inspections, I found the following issues to be fixed. Please mark them Fixed/Obsolete when you can.

inspection result panel: display the profile's name in the panel title bar

button to turn off an inspection criterion

Inspection results handling : add "Suppress .. for "

Inspection : "May be static", for interface method !see attached image.

General Inspections lack "Edit options of" intentions

Code inspection results - "Unused import" does not display import xxx.* correctly

Allow user to disable an inspection directly from the Inspection Results Tree

Inspection "Can be static" doesn't work for fields.

IDE Settings - ERrors - Additional explanation for 'Show Global Error
Hilighting' and 'Show Global Inspections'

New inspection intentions (for Inspection Results window)

Inspection: Unused symbol

quickfix tuning: add "suppress all inspection for METHOD"

"Inspection Setting" changes are store, despite closing the dialog with 'Cancel'

Inspection bug

IG: Allow suppressing several inspections for the single statement

Inspection setting dialog poorly laid out

Anonymous cvs access to Inspection Gadgets source

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this one has been fixed also.
There is an inspection 'Inspection suppression annotation' in 5.1 build 4148.
Inspection for inspection suppression comments/annotations

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Post resume to JB with request for quality planning engineer part time position :)
BugBusters :)

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It is an inspiration to see the quality of your suggestions in this thread: the thoroughness, cohesiveness, and thoughtfulness. You are quite right about Inspections and some believe it is much of what allowed IDEA to maintain a competitive lead in recent releases. Eclipse now has a detailed road map for beating IDEA's inspections. I wonder how much time it would take for JB to tackle the appropriate issues and can JB's do a 5.2 release code named Alexian?


Permanently deleted user

Jon Steelman wrote:


It is an inspiration to see the quality of your suggestions in this
thread: the thoroughness, cohesiveness, and thoughtfulness.

Hear hear!... Whichever company has you in their QA/HMI team is a lucky
one! Thanks for all your efforts, I'm sure it will go a long way to
make IDEA even better for all of us.


Permanently deleted user

Great list. We're looking to improve the usability of MetricsReloaded, and will certainly look into these suggestions, particularly since the MR interface is heavily based on the inspections interface.

One additional thing to note: it's probably about time to group the inspections by language, rather than just by category. That makes it easier to find, say, JavaScript inspections, and makes it more obvious just how powerful the cross-language inspection capabilities of IDEA have become.

Sixth and Red River Software
"Code with Grace and Verve"

Permanently deleted user

Jon Steelman wrote:

Eclipse now has a detailed road map for beating IDEA's inspections.

Interesting, I didn't know that. Do you have a link?



+1 Grouping Java vs. JavaScript would be a nice improvement.

Permanently deleted user

lol. I mean by reading this thread they now have a great blueprint to a better version of IDEA's current.


Permanently deleted user

Jon Steelman wrote:

lol. I mean by reading this thread they now have a great blueprint to
a better version of IDEA's current.

Haha, and here I was worried already:-) Thanks!


Permanently deleted user

The massive cluelessness of the Eclipse and NetBeans product management with respect to the power of inline static analysis is going to take a lot more to penetrate than this post. I keep fairly close track on what they are planning and considering, and there is just no indication that either IDE's management would have any idea what Alex is talking about, or why it might matter.

--Dave Griffith

Permanently deleted user
  • Would like to have an additional filter 'Quickfix

Available' which would only show inspections which have a
Quickfix. Or alternatively, you could put a Quickfix icon
next to each inspection name which supports a Quickfix.
Quickfixes are awesome, and you should give them greater
visibility. (IDEA-3720,AlexL)

Quickfix category groups/filter "reliable", "caveats", etc. helps to
deal with "apply all".

Exclude filter for opposite inspections (constant on left/right side)
etc. Could be extended to allow definition of project "policy". By using
exclusion filter, user can drop those inspections (greyed out) which are
not required to be "green".

- Olli -

Permanently deleted user

Jira Issues for unreported problems.

Analyze->Inspect Code - Custom Scope: Current File doesn't work. It tries to analyze entire project.

Analyze->Inspect Code - If you select a custom scope from the combobox, it should autoselect the Custom Scope radio button.

Permanently deleted user

New Jira issues for unreported problems.

IDE Settings -> Errors - Need New... button to add new profile with no inspections selected by default.

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Quickfix category groups/filter "reliable", "caveats",
etc. helps to deal with "apply all".

My understanding is that all the quickfixes should be reliable. They should never produce incorrect code. If they do, that is a bug.

Permanently deleted user

Items implemented in Demetra build 5131 (Thanks!)
- Select All/Unselect All checkbox in tree in Errors dialog

Other Changes
#1 Errors settings panel is moved over to IDE Settings->Project tab

Comment: I think you should keep the Errors panel as it was in 5.1 in the IDE
Settings. The current change makes things more confusing for the simple case
where you want one inspection profile. I see this as making the intial
experience more confusing. Also, before I could click Errors and the
inspection tree is right there. Now I have to click '...' to popup another

Recommended Change:
a) Have Errors in both IDE and Project tabs.
The Errors in the IDE tab will be as before; Here you can select your
global profile which will automatically be applied to any new project.

b) The Errors panel in Projects tab has a slight change.

(*) Use global profile
( ) Use following profile

The situation is very similar to the IDE->Global Code Style and Project->
Project Code Style tabs.

In fact, I recommend making the wording consistent between them. For
example, if you wanted to conform to the Code Style wording, then you
should have IDE->Global Errors and Project->Project Errors.

#2 What happened to Analyze->Analyze Current File with Editor Hilighting ?

I tried to hit ALTSHIFTI and nothing happened. Please put that back. I use
that all the time, as my preferred method to apply a bunch of quickfixes is
to hit ALTSHIFTI to get the Inspection Results for the current file and
then apply quickfixes en masse, rather than go one by one in the Editor and
fixing with ALT+ENTER.

Permanently deleted user

Jira# for unreported issues

Inspection Results - Add toolbar icons 'Group By Package', 'Group By Class', 'Group By Method' so user can control how nested the results are

Permanently deleted user

Hello Alex,

Items implemented in Demetra build 5131 (Thanks!)
- Select All/Unselect All checkbox in tree in Errors dialog
Other Changes
#1 Errors settings panel is moved over to IDE Settings->Project tab
Comment: I think you should keep the Errors panel as it was in 5.1
in the IDE
Settings. The current change makes things more confusing for the
simple case
where you want one inspection profile. I see this as making the
experience more confusing. Also, before I could click Errors and
inspection tree is right there. Now I have to click '...' to popup
Recommended Change:
a) Have Errors in both IDE and Project tabs.
The Errors in the IDE tab will be as before; Here you can
select your
global profile which will automatically be applied to any new
b) The Errors panel in Projects tab has a slight change.

(*) Use global profile
( ) Use following profile
The situation is very similar to the IDE->Global Code Style and
Project Code Style tabs.
In fact, I recommend making the wording consistent between them.
example, if you wanted to conform to the Code Style wording, then
should have IDE->Global Errors and Project->Project Errors.

I think that 2 tabs with quite the same naming is much more confusing than
the current situation ...

#2 What happened to Analyze->Analyze Current File with Editor
Hilighting ?
I tried to hit ALTSHIFTI and nothing happened. Please put that
back. I use
that all the time, as my preferred method to apply a bunch of
quickfixes is
to hit ALTSHIFTI to get the Inspection Results for the current
file and
then apply quickfixes en masse, rather than go one by one in the
Editor and
fixing with ALT+ENTER.

You can do it with common implementation - just set up "Run with editor settings"


Anna Kozlova
JetBrains Inc.
"Develop with pleasure!"

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Thanks for the encouragement.

My expertise is UI design; I have been doing UI development for 15 years here
in Silicon Valley, the last 10 years exclusively doing Java/Swing or Java/J2ee
design. I do these sorts of writeups all the time when planning for next releases.

I am channeling my frustration over the Demetra roadmap (*) by speaking up for the poor and
neglected requests in Jira tracker. I started with JSP (which definately needed
somebody to speak up, esp. because Jetbrains developers themselves don't use it
I imagine. Inspections is easier because everybody loves inspections! hehe
Demetra roadmap:
JSP feedback:

I had filed a number of requests that have been sitting for a year or more now,
rotting either in the IDEA swamp or IDEABKL dump; I started mining the Jira database,
I saw there are alot more bugs, useability issues, and great ideas for
enhancements in just the two areas (JSP, inspections) I looked into.

I tried to organize the requests together for each feature (JSP support, inspections)
to help raise awareness for the plight of these hapless Jira requests, with
the hope Jetbrains takes pity on them. Maybe if 25 or 50 Jiras band together,
they can accomplish what each of them individually could not.

IMO Jetbrains should be allocating more effort to improving existing features,
improving perforamnce, and continuing to raise the bar in it's key
strengths like refactoring and inspections. The quality bar slipped some with
the 5.0 release; The JSP support was seriously lacking and even though improved
in 5.1, is still not at the level of quality I came to expect from Jetbrains.
And just judging by the number of jira requests languishing, I get the feeling
Jetbrains engineers have no time to entertain most of these. I believe
Jetbrains understands better than anyone the balance between adding features
and making all the features easy and pleasurable to use. But with the backdrop
of the 5.0 release, a wave of doubt washed over me when I saw the Demetra
roadmap. Please Forgive me :)

One example of an unheralded performance improvement in 5.0 that I just
keep smiling about is that Whole Words Only search option in 'Find in Path'.
My searches are taking 1 second or less whereas before it took 20 seconds. Woohoo.
You wont' find that in the 5.0/5.1 new feature list, but that's in my top10.
5.0/5.1 features:

Anyway, hopefully this excercise bears some fruit; Maybe some of our Jira
prayers will be answered.

(*) Jetbrains roadmap seems to be getting infected by Eclipse 'platform'
philosophy; I guess I understand at one level-- it's a battle of the checkboxes and
how many categories you can win the jdeveloper product of the year award; A new
developer will be easily hoodwinked to use Eclipse because of the profusion of
plugins and the "industry-wide" support for the platform; even though he might
be more productive using IDEA. The truth is that 99% of the time with IDEA 5.x
you don't need any plugins to do heavy duty J2EE server or Java Swing client
work. The only plugins I use everyday is Hungry BackSpace ( my one and only
plugin, all 100 lines of it lol), and Describe Key - - which BTW I really think
both of those should be installed by default. What attracted me to IDEA is the
user interface; Everything was easier to do; Higher quality; Better
customization. Eclipse's motto is that for every need, they have a plugin. I
don't want to have to install 20 plugins to get critical functionality that I
need to use everyday. The only reason I can use IDEA EAPs for actual work is
because I don't have 20 plugins that will break everytime I download a new
build. The only plugins I like is for non-language stuff like YourKit plugin
and JFormDesigner plugin.

Permanently deleted user

I think that 2 tabs with quite the same naming is much more confusing than
the current situation ...

Maybe it takes up less space because you only have Errors on Projects tab and not on the IDE tab, but it will definately be confusing when people switch from 5.1 to Demetra. I really don't see why you would want to change the IDE->Errors panel. Just add the new Errors panel on the Project tab...

I really don't like how the inspection tree is not immediately visible when you click Errors. You have to popup a whole other window.

You can do it with common implementation - just set up "Run with editor settings"

That's not the same. What was nice about the ALTSHIFTI is that it didn't pop up the Inspect Code dialog. Now I have to hit CTRLSHIFTI, check that 'run with editor settings' is checked, and hit OK.

Not that big a difference, but again, I don't see why you are removing a feature that is already there in 5.1. I have been using that ALTSHIFTI every day, so it is annoying that it is gone. If for some reason you don't want it in the menu, can you still make to ALTSHIFTI still works?

Also, I suggest putting a legend/border around Inspection Profile: / Run with Editor Settings so it looks like:

Inspection Profile----

| (*) Custom Profile
| ( ) Editor Profile

This makes it more clear the choices are related and
uses similar style to Inspection Scope.

Permanently deleted user

Alex wrote:

Also, I suggest putting a legend/border around Inspection Profile: / Run with Editor Settings so it looks like:

Inspection Profile---------------------------------
| (*) Custom Profile
| ( ) Editor Profile

This makes it more clear the choices are related and
uses similar style to Inspection Scope.

Permanently deleted user

Hello Sascha,

Alex wrote:

>> Also, I suggest putting a legend/border around Inspection Profile: /
>> Run with Editor Settings so it looks like:
>> Inspection Profile----

>> | (*) Custom Profile
>> | ( ) Editor Profile
>> -

>> This makes it more clear the choices are related and uses similar
>> style to Inspection Scope.


But I completely disagree with your 'recomendation'. On this way all new
features are not recommended for user (

I can restore that action but I don't want to add it to the popup. Ok?

Thank you


Anna Kozlova
JetBrains Inc.
"Develop with pleasure!"

Permanently deleted user

Here's a solution and ui approach to single inspection batch run that I'd like to see and that isn't addressed in this thread or in the referenced issues...

Permanently deleted user

Here's what I really want in the Inspection Results department: Smart Diff between results.

Permanently deleted user

First off, after browsing this thread, I have to say wow to Alex's efforts and results.

Second, for me, I would love to be able to pick between more than 2 colors(red/yellow) for the severity of my inspections. There are some that I would love to put in a different color, because they are something that I consider more of a nice to do, than needing immediate attention.

When I look at my source, of course, I handle those nasty errors(red) first, since they are major problems.

But, when I get to the warnings(yellow), I wish I could split them out more, so that warnings that need to be addressed(performance, possible error condition, etc.) are marked in one color, and other items(unused parameters in method, coding style) are marked another color(s).

That allows me, especially in a crunch, to focus on what really needs to be addressed first, and then, as time allows, deal with cosmetic/style issues.

And, there are some warnings I might want to make a little higher priority than others.

So, have 3 or 4 level of severity(error, important, warning, nice to do).

Or, allow us to add to/sort the list ourselves, which puts the responsibility of picking the colors in the users hands; so you don't have to worry about trying to find colors that work well for most. And if you do, make sure to include a sample marker bar, so that we can see how our selections look.

That also might allow for filtering in inspections, for performance reasons, to allow the user to set a filter to important, so that only error and important inspections are ran and highlighted.


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