That's one of the IDEA "features" I really hate. There are too many uncloasable views. IMHO from this point of view Eclipse rules. And I am an inveterate IDEA user.
That's one of the IDEA "features" I really hate. There are too many uncloasable views. IMHO this point of view Eclipse rules. And I am an inveterate IDEA user.
That's one of the IDEA "features" I really hate. There are too many uncloasable views. IMHO this point of view Eclipse rules. And I am an inveterate IDEA user.
You can close the view. You just can't remove the button. In fact you can close all the views and have just the editor, and okay, have a couple of buttons on the button bars. But you can hide the button bars if you want. From the menu: View | Tool Buttons or click the icon in the bottom left corner. Typing Alt plus a number opens & closes a window. Typing Alt twice shows the Tool buttons. (Or if you want, instead of hiding them, you can move all the buttons to a single bar.)
Next, you can turn off: 1) The main toolbar 2) The Status bar 3) The navigation bar 4) Line numbers in the editor 5) The editor tabs, if you so want.
The only thing you cannot turn off is the menu bar. This leaves you with a nice clean, almost full-screen editor.
Are you seriously saying that not being able to hide the main menu some how makes IDEA less usable? What other views are you saying can you not hide since you use the plural of "too many unclosable views"?
I know about turning-on/off Tool Buttons. But... there are a couple of views I almost never use, say Commander, Ant (I use Maven in almost all of my projects), IDEtalk. Sometimes I really want to close even TODO. Other 3rd party plugins also contribute to trim area, i.e. RESTClient view, so soon enough there are plenty tool buttons which polutes the trim area. Recentlly I played with an Android project, and there is this RESTClient tool button even if my project is not RESTful-based, and I really want to close it.
And by closing a view I mean replace its button from trim area. So IMHO it would be nice if all Tool Buttons will have a close button (when hover over them) in order to remove them from trim area.
And by closing a view I mean replace its button from trim area.
A difference in terminology I guess. I wouldn't call the presence of a button a "view". The view to me is when the tool window is open. Sounds like what you dislike is the inability to remove unused/unwanted tool window buttons from the tool button bars. Thatpoint I can see. I also never use Commander and some other tool windows. (Again, in terms of terminology, I would call that removing or hiding a button (as would most people I think), not closing it or closing a view as you call it. I know Eclispe uses, or overuses, the term "view" in its UI. Maybe that's why you are using that term.) Although to me it's a minor concern given how in terms of its major functionality/purpose, editing code, IDEA beats Eclipse a thousand times over. But it'd be a nice improvement. I personally solve the issue by hiding the tool button bars. 10 shortcuts (Alt + 0-9) are enough that I can get to the windows I access 95% of the time. Alt,Alt gets me to the other rare ones.
Have you opened a feature request asking for the ability to remove unwanted tool bar buttons? Post its number. I'd vote for it.
Can anyone explain the relation between hiding a tool window button and closing the window (disposing it)? When a tool window is disposed (free memory, close DB connections, release I/O - files, sockets etc)?
Since there is no such feature as "hiding a toolwindow button", I can't really answer your question. The way it works now is that there are some toolwindows which have a variable number of content tabs (such as Find Usages), and toolwindows which have a fixed number of content tabs (such as TODO or Changes). Toolwindows of the first kind are not shown until the first content tab for them is created, and are hidden when the last content tab is closed. Toolwindows of the second kind are always visible. They are normally the main entry point for the corresponding functionality, and there is usually no other good way to access that functionality. Because of that, we haven't implemented the possibility to hide specific toolwindow buttons until now, and it's not too likely that it will be implemented in the future.
Now, if you never use some functionality of the product, it's usually best to disable the plugin providing that functionality. That's what you can do today with Commander. The TODO view is not a plugin at the moment, and thus cannot be disabled, but it's likely that it will become a plugin in a future update of IntelliJ IDEA.
You can't.
That's one of the IDEA "features" I really hate. There are too many uncloasable views. IMHO from this point of view Eclipse rules.
And I am an inveterate IDEA user.
That's one of the IDEA "features" I really hate. There are too many uncloasable views. IMHO this point of view Eclipse rules.
And I am an inveterate IDEA user.
You can close the view. You just can't remove the button. In fact you can close all the views and have just the editor, and okay, have a couple of buttons on the button bars. But you can hide the button bars if you want. From the menu: View | Tool Buttons or click the icon in the bottom left corner. Typing Alt plus a number opens & closes a window. Typing Alt twice shows the Tool buttons. (Or if you want, instead of hiding them, you can move all the buttons to a single bar.)

Next, you can turn off:
1) The main toolbar
2) The Status bar
3) The navigation bar
4) Line numbers in the editor
5) The editor tabs, if you so want.
The only thing you cannot turn off is the menu bar. This leaves you with a nice clean, almost full-screen editor.
Are you seriously saying that not being able to hide the main menu some how makes IDEA less usable? What other views are you saying can you not hide since you use the plural of "too many unclosable views"?
I know about turning-on/off Tool Buttons.
But... there are a couple of views I almost never use, say Commander, Ant (I use Maven in almost all of my projects), IDEtalk. Sometimes I really want to close even TODO.
Other 3rd party plugins also contribute to trim area, i.e. RESTClient view, so soon enough there are plenty tool buttons which polutes the trim area.
Recentlly I played with an Android project, and there is this RESTClient tool button even if my project is not RESTful-based, and I really want to close it.
And by closing a view I mean replace its button from trim area.
So IMHO it would be nice if all Tool Buttons will have a close button (when hover over them) in order to remove them from trim area.
A difference in terminology I guess. I wouldn't call the presence of a button a "view". The view to me is when the tool window is open. Sounds like what you dislike is the inability to remove unused/unwanted tool window buttons from the tool button bars. That point I can see. I also never use Commander and some other tool windows. (Again, in terms of terminology, I would call that removing or hiding a button (as would most people I think), not closing it or closing a view as you call it. I know Eclispe uses, or overuses, the term "view" in its UI. Maybe that's why you are using that term.) Although to me it's a minor concern given how in terms of its major functionality/purpose, editing code, IDEA beats Eclipse a thousand times over. But it'd be a nice improvement. I personally solve the issue by hiding the tool button bars. 10 shortcuts (Alt + 0-9) are enough that I can get to the windows I access 95% of the time. Alt,Alt gets me to the other rare ones.
Have you opened a feature request asking for the ability to remove unwanted tool bar buttons? Post its number. I'd vote for it.
Vote here.
Can anyone explain the relation between hiding a tool window button and closing the window (disposing it)? When a tool window is disposed (free memory, close DB connections, release I/O - files, sockets etc)?
I've posted a comment at
Thank you in advance.
Since there is no such feature as "hiding a toolwindow button", I can't really answer your question. The way it works now is that there are some toolwindows which have a variable number of content tabs (such as Find Usages), and toolwindows which have a fixed number of content tabs (such as TODO or Changes). Toolwindows of the first kind are not shown until the first content tab for them is created, and are hidden when the last content tab is closed. Toolwindows of the second kind are always visible. They are normally the main entry point for the corresponding functionality, and there is usually no other good way to access that functionality. Because of that, we haven't implemented the possibility to hide specific toolwindow buttons until now, and it's not too likely that it will be implemented in the future.
Now, if you never use some functionality of the product, it's usually best to disable the plugin providing that functionality. That's what you can do today with Commander. The TODO view is not a plugin at the moment, and thus cannot be disabled, but it's likely that it will become a plugin in a future update of IntelliJ IDEA.