Suggestion: improving EL-autocompletion for context attributes
How about defining attribute name<->bean-class pairs on request|session|application-context basis, so IDEA will be able to offer autocompletion/refactoring etc. in JSPs?
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This should suffice for it:
<jsp:useBean id="aaa" type="com.Controller" scope="request"/>
Yann Cebron wrote:
Best regards,
Maxim Mossienko
IntelliJ Labs / JetBrains Inc.
"Develop with pleasure!"
Thanks, but this will not work with Tiles, unless I include my "beans-defs.jsp" on each and every single page :(
> scope="request"/>
<jsp:useBean/> isn't the only way to maka a bean available in a JSP page, however. It would be nice if there was for us to let IDEA know the type of a frequently-accessed bean -- I just can't think of one, however.
actually, I wanted autocompletion etc. for properties, not just for simple bean-names
If IDEA does not know type of initial context var then it could not
complete properties.
Yann Cebron wrote:
Best regards,
Maxim Mossienko
IntelliJ Labs / JetBrains Inc.
"Develop with pleasure!"
Actually, besides Struts bean:define, any custom tag supplying
'variables' should work.
Marcus Brito wrote:
>>This should suffice for it:
>><jsp:useBean id="aaa" type="com.Controller"
Best regards,
Maxim Mossienko
IntelliJ Labs / JetBrains Inc.
"Develop with pleasure!"
hmm maybe I'm doing something wrong here, but your example doesn't work in my setup. I only get completion for the bean name, "No suggestion" after the first '.' in "${beanName."
IDEA should be able to resolve the properties (at least in theory?!) knowing the bean class
You are not wrong, this particular issue fixed already in 5.0.3 / Demetra
Yann Cebron wrote:
Best regards,
Maxim Mossienko
IntelliJ Labs / JetBrains Inc.
"Develop with pleasure!"
There is ability to add post include page to each jsp file on the
jsp-property-group, however IDEA does not support it yet :(
Yann Cebron wrote:
Best regards,
Maxim Mossienko
IntelliJ Labs / JetBrains Inc.
"Develop with pleasure!"
And when can we expect it's release? It seems that pretty many features were solved since 5.0.1.
Thanks in advance,
It's eap will start right after releasing 5.0.2.
We expect the RC build for 5.0.2 to release today/tomorrow.
Ahmed Mohombe wrote:
>> You are not wrong, this particular issue fixed already in 5.0.3 / Demetra
Best regards,
Maxim Mossienko
IntelliJ Labs / JetBrains Inc.
"Develop with pleasure!"