Search for implicit usages of Iterable.iterator() in for-each loop declarations

I have seen that the otherwise fantastic Find Usages in IntelliJ  does not find usages of a class that implements Iterable, and is used in a for-each style loop.


class IterateMe implements Iterable {
  public Iterator iterator() {
    retur new Iterator(){...}

and used like this:

IterateMe iterMe = ...
for (Object o : iterMe) {

This for loop is not listed as a usage in my search result.

Anyone got any ideas on this one, or does it quialify as a bug?



Hello Olve,

For performance reasons, our Find Usages functionality doesn't look for implicit
calls, such as implicit calls to toString() or, in this case, iterator().
You may consider it a bug, but we don't currently have any plans to change
this behavior.

I have seen that the otherwise fantastic Find Usages in IntelliJ
does not find usages of a class that implements Iterable, and is used
in a for-each style loop.


 Iterable {
> public Iterator iterator() {
> retur new Iterator(){...}
> }
> }]]>

and used like this:

 IterateMe iterMe = ...
> for (Object o : iterMe) {
> ...
> }]]>

This for loop is not listed as a usage in my search result.

Anyone got any ideas on this one, or does it quialify as a bug?

Dmitry Jemerov
Development Lead
JetBrains, Inc.
"Develop with Pleasure!"


Ok, too bad. I just wondered, if you have no plans then it is not a bug :-)

Imho it should be a feature, if it is very slow, make it a(nother) check-box in the search field.

Is it possible to find these things in the structural search? I am not very familiar with that part of IntelliJ.

Best regards,


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