5.0 and unresolved bug

I posted a bug, Idea-3581, in Jira when build 3401 was out, before the RC builds came out. I was told when RC1 was released that all bugs would be fixed before the official 5.0 release. It's still sitting in unresolved status with no comments attached. What happened? When are you going to fix it?

Permanently deleted user

We were unable to reproduce the problem at least on 10.4.

Maxim Shafirov
"Develop with pleasure!"

I posted a bug, Idea-3581, in Jira when build 3401 was out, before the
RC builds came out. I was told when RC1 was released that all bugs
would be fixed before the official 5.0 release. It's still sitting in
unresolved status with no comments attached. What happened? When are
you going to fix it?


It happens to me every time I try I select CVS->Comapre With..., with every build since 3401 which is when I first noticed it. Would you like to run a debug build on my machine to see what is happening? I do see the popup get created, but it immidiately disappears. Could this be linked to the earlier problem that causes the entire IDE window to disappear?

Permanently deleted user

Well, we've finally able to get it fail reliably (after some number of attempts)
and fixed.

Maxim Shafirov
"Develop with pleasure!"


Thank you very much.


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