If its true , very bad.... Lack of important features

Hi , me and my team were migrating from Netbeans to IntelliJ IDEA.
But we heard that , you will never support "JavaFX 2.0".
This is really bad if its true...

You must support JavaFX 2.0 and Visual Designer for JavaFX.
You can make JavaFX Visual Designer like Flash.

If you wont make this feature , you will lose much point and my team will cancel to use and buy plans for IntelliJ IDEA.

Another is there is no Visual designer Vaadin on IntelliJ IDEA that eclipse has with XulRunner.
And most powerful is now Liferay , I'm really sad Liferay IDE is most strong IDE for web development.

You cant implement Liferay IDE abilities to IntelliJ ?

I think these are future of Java abilities.
I work on Java for 13+ years.

You need to do these features if you want to make IntelliJ IDEA alive.
We liked your IDE , you doing great job but there are lots of lack of features forcing people leave from IDE...

Thats my team's idea.
I hope you success...

Permanently deleted user

Also no Visual JSF and no Visual Icefaces is also most important lack of  features.I dont know but maybe you can contact with Icefaces work  together.

Permanently deleted user

Ehm. Maybe a stupid question, but don't you investigate IDE features before planning to migrate? If you think other IDE's are so much better, then you should use those. Otherwise there is no point in complaining.

You are always welcome to request features, but demanding them like this seems rediculous to me.


Hello Kadir,

It's true that we don't currently have any plans for JavaFX 2.0 or Liferay
support in IntelliJ IDEA. You're welcome to use a different IDE if the lack
of those features prevents you from buying IntelliJ.

Hi , me and my team were migrating from Netbeans to IntelliJ IDEA.
But we heard that , you will never support "JavaFX 2.0".
This is really bad if its true...
You must support JavaFX 2.0 and Visual Designer for JavaFX. You can
make JavaFX Visual Designer like Flash.

If you wont make this feature , you will lose much point and my team
will cancel to use and buy plans for IntelliJ IDEA.

Another is there is no Visual designer Vaadin on IntelliJ IDEA that
eclipse has with XulRunner.

And most powerful is now Liferay , I'm really sad Liferay IDE is most
strong IDE for web development.

You cant implement Liferay IDE abilities to IntelliJ ?

I think these are future of Java abilities.
I work on Java for 13+ years.
You need to do these features if you want to make IntelliJ IDEA alive.

We liked your IDE , you doing great job but there are lots of lack of
features forcing people leave from IDE...

Thats my team's idea.
I hope you success...

Dmitry Jemerov
Development Lead
JetBrains, Inc.
"Develop with Pleasure!"

Permanently deleted user

I for one am GLAD that you're not spending development time working on JavaFX support in IntelliJ.  (or a Vaadin visual designer)  I have absolutely nothing against these technologies, but the reality is that almost no one is using them.  Obviously JetBrains gets that and is spending their time on features that have a bit more usage and visibility in the Java world.  

Permanently deleted user


Now let's talk about that money theiy're spending on Kotlin! (just kidding, let's not)


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