Mac - Open Project from Hidden folder on OSX
I am switching to mac and have stored all of my intellij project files in a folder named .idea and cannot figure out how to open a project from that directory. I have updated my finder to display hidden files and folders but still do not see the directory in the open project window.
Is there any trick to this that does not involve renaming the directory?
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In the open project dialog there is a toolbar.
The leftmost icon, those two folders, has a tooltip labeled "Show hidden files and directories".
Click it. :-)
thanks. unfortunately, I do not see any toolbar so not sure where that is. I did find a solution by typing cmd-shift-g and typing in the path to the directory.
Hm, what version do you use?
Is this maybe differently for Mac :-/
yes, it's very different on mac
Could you maybe attach a screenshot?
I just tried in Snow Leopard and see the toolbar just fine.
Sorry for the delay. Here is the top of the Open Project window:
sorry for the delay. Here is the open project window. Not sure what toolbar I should see:
I will have to try again later. It wouldn't post the screenshot. Just having tons of other issues with the mac so will get back to this soon...
The screen shot is attached as a file.
Screen shot 2011-07-13 at 10.29.10 AM.png
What the ...?
That is not the dialog I am seeing.
On your screenshot I see a native Finder dialog.
I see a custom dialog by JetBrains.
How did you get to that dialog?
What Look & Feel are you using?
my co-worker is having the same issue. I am using the Mac OS X look and feel. Should I try something else?
Now that is strange.
Now that I'm back from vacation I see the same dialog you are seeing. :-/
I have no idea in what dialog I was before.
Anyway, there are various things you can do which have nothing to do with idea directly as it just uses a standard dialog.
- If you drag&drop your .idea folder from a Finder window where you see it to the open project dialog, then this folder is shown and you can choose the project you want to open.
- You can also open a project by using the command line
- In a file open or file save dialog you can press Command+Shift+Period to toggle invisible files being shown or hidden, regardless of whether you see them in the normal Finder windows or not.
As soon as you have opened a project via one of those methods, you have the project in the "Open Recent" list.
I had the same issue. Command+Shift+Period was best way to solve it ! Thank you Björn !
I solved this issue by adding the hidden Library folder to Favorites panel.
For me, it works with Command + Shift + '.' (Dot)... Just like in Finder.