JS Scripting parsing error Vladimir Goncharov Created June 29, 2005 20:01 Cannot parse the javascript statement belowvar strRepoDate = <%= "\""strRepoDate"\""%>;
Context please...
Maxim Shafirov
"Develop with pleasure!"
Context is Javascript of course, but what the expected behaviour should be is an open question, i.e. does this stmt should be red?
What about
var strRepoDate = ; or ]]>
I guess we are at the point were some things are beter left unspoken (unchecked) ...
Andrei Tokar wrote:
>>Context please...
More context would be to say "javascript within a JSP file".
In a straight HTML file that would be invalid javascript.
I see the same problem with all constructs inside javascript
It seems that same problem appears when mixing CSS Styles and JSP insertions