Another swing and miss - CVS broken in #3370
Open the IDE to the main screen->Select Project From Version Control->CVS->Choose CVS root that you've been using for years.
You're back in the screen telling you to choose the CVS root. Keep clicking away and away and away and you'll still be at the same place.
No matter where you want to go, there you are. Might I ask that bugs in the IDE have priority over adding new features :)
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Gregory Pierce wrote:
Seemed to work fine for me...
I've moved to another box to confirm and it doesn't work on that box either. Doesn't work on any of 17 CVSROOT entries in the dialog. Just returns to the CVSROOT selection.
Did a video capture on my personal machine.... here we go
Gregory Pierce wrote:
Doh - quicktime on the laptop didn't like it, I guess I need a newer
quicktime that what was installed :(
Looks like it's an OSX specific problem. I can reproduce on the oJB
repository. File it.
In article <>,
Gregory Pierce <> wrote:
Gregory, I just created one from scratch and it does work. I use
internal ssh impl though on that one. Not sure what you're using.
And it may indeed work from scratch. How many people are going to be using their old CVSROOTs when they upgrade to the next version of IntelliJ? If its a problem it needs to be isolated and fixed IMO and if it broke for me - I can guarantee you it will break for someone else as I'm a 'generic' install with no plugins or any other funkiness.
I agree