How to stop the log (logcat, in Android development) from scrolling?

I'm using IDEA 10 to develop for Android. I cannot find a way to stop the log (Android Logcat window) from scrolling, i.e. to check on a thrown exception. Especially when developing for mobile devices, the log usually keeps on scrolling due to some other processes. I know I can filter the log, but sometimes this isn't practicable. All I can do then is copy/paste the entire window and paste it to a text editor for analysis.
Any way to pin the log? Would be great if the automatic scrolling wouldn't happen once the user scrolls up in the window (just append the log further, but without scrolling - that would be great).

Permanently deleted user

No, you can't pin the log. I'd suggest filtering the log on errors and set an exception breakpoint to stop the app when an exception occurs. Your log won't update when the debugger has stopped the process so you can happily review the error in the log that generated the exception and caused the debugger to temporarily halt execution.

Permanently deleted user

Hm, ok, I guess you are correct - unfortunately. It would be great if this feature would be implemented in an upcoming version though. Yes, I can filter by tag or set the level to error, the example about the exception was just an example though. In general, if I want to just scroll through the log easily (without filter), it's not easy. Especially with some devices like Huawei Ideos, as opposed to Nexus One, they have some issues with the logging/logcat anyway, which makes it even harder.
The 'Run tab' in IDEA has a pin, hope the IDEA team will add one to the Android logcat tab as well.


Hi Mathias,

The console usually scrolls if the cursor is in the end of output (which is by debault). Placing it somewhere inside output should stop scrolling.
And vote/watch for this issue.

Permanently deleted user

Hi Roman, thanks, that works. Don't know why it never occured to me trying to click somewhere, I only just scrolled up the log. Good to know :)


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