Ignore committing certain SVN files.
How can I add files to be ignored from committed using Intellij?
I have tried the changelist way but it keeps popping up and bothering me and files that should not be in the Default changelist keeps popping in anyway.
How do I mark a file to be svn:ignored using Intellij ??
Cheers, Hamidam
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Hi Dimitry,
I believe this was added to SVN 1.5 :
svn delete --keep-local /path/to/file
Remember if you do choose to add it in a future version that it works with the Edit Ignore list as well.
Updating now after ignoring already revisioned files/dirs will result in the error I listed earlier.
Cheers, Hamidam
Hello Hamidam,
There's an action to add the file to svn:ignore in the "Subversion" context
Dmitry Jemerov
Development Lead
JetBrains, Inc.
"Develop with Pleasure!"
Yes, I noticed that. Unfortunately this is not selectable once a file has been added to a changelist or committed to the rrepository.
When a new file is created, in ALT + 9 window, it appears in "Unversioned Files", if a file exist in that context, you can Ignore.
However, once added to a changelist, either default or some other... There is no way that I am aware of, that you can unversion a file without deleting it using Intellij.
A copy of the file to some other location, delete, and then paste for example would perhaps work. An unversion file in the Subversion context menu perhaps would be good.
I just noticed that there is a "Configure Ignore Files" where you can add achive some of this perhaps. I just tried it though... Adding a directory to the ignore list that has already been committed results in SVN: Failed to add directory .... : an unversioned directory of the same name already exists
How do you ignore a file or a directory without deleting it once it has been added to the repository ?
Cheers, Hamidam
Hello Hamidam,
There is indeed no way to unversion a versioned directory using IntelliJ.
The Subversion command line does not support this operation either.
This can in principle be impemented, and you can file a feature request in
YouTrack, but we don't consider it to be an important operartion, and consider
the current scenario of copying to a temp location, deleting and copying
back to be an acceptable workaround.
Dmitry Jemerov
Development Lead
JetBrains, Inc.
"Develop with Pleasure!"
could you please clarify
these files were they commited to svn? (IDEA shows them with blue or black color)
or they were just added but never commited? (IDEA show them with green color)
first one is what this link about -> delete from svn without deleting from local harddrive
second one is simpler: just hit "revert" command in IDEA and they will become unversioned and not deleted from harddrive