Serious BUGS in Intellij... since at least 7.04


I have been annoyed by this for long now but first time I actually take my time to put it down as a complaint.

Serious Bug Nbr 1:

Sometimes when you rename a variable in a document, Intellij will go ahead and rename everything it finds in the document, ASSUMING it has identified they are related even though they are not. Note that this happens sometimes even though you click PREVIEW to have a look first rather than refactoring directly. Sometimes PREVIEW simply will go ahead and refactor without a Preview.
Nowadays after refactoring I always go ahead and check the local history of the project to make sure that Intellij didn't rename something else... I shouldn't have to do this and people unaware will get their code screwed up!!

Serious Bug Nbr 2:

Reformat code. Intellij will ( at least in Grails/Groovy ) occasionally refactor code incorrectly and BREAK my code because of this. The breaking is because Intellij when refactoring will at times break lines to several rows, where a language might require for it to be on the same line. INCORRECT REFORMATTING.

Serious Bug Nbr 3:

In Ruby/Rails (happend now, and is the reason to why I am writing this) Intellij will reformat my entire document/code from Uppercase letters, to lowercase to FORCE me to have camel case rather than CamelCase. It doesn't even ask and I am not sure what triggers this behaviour. Note that Intellij AGAIN assumes wrong and not only renames my variables but in fact it will rename everything with an Uppercase to LowerCase or camel_case, including text and JAVASCRIPT CODE.

Serious Bug Nbr 4:
When SVN merging. Why do I have to make a decision right then and now ? Why can't I postpone the merging of the file to a time of my choosing, ie when I re-update that file ? Perhaps I need to have a discussion with someone about what to do, and that person might not be available RIGHT NOW.

I have felt this many times, and I feel it right now.  F**CK intellij!!
I have payed lots of money for my license and the biggest threat for me is Intellij keeps fucking assuming stuff that it fucking shouldnt! Stop fucking do that. How can I turn this shit off ? It' breaks my code which at times is time consuming, and very frustrating.

I keep using Intellij because other than that, it's an excellent editor, mainly for it's search features, but these issues are serious and I am sure someday it's going to make changes that are not noticed.

It's time Intellij got control of their editor.. are these issues not known ?

Sincerely, Hamidam

I forgot to post an example of my latest issue, the RUBY/RAILS camel case bullshit...

Here is a code sample:


  <title>Fleet service - <%= %></title>
  <%= stylesheet_link_tag 'fleet_service_new'%>
  <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
  <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>


=begin %>
<div id="adminBG">

  <!-- Logout -->
  <%= link_to '<div id="logout"></div>', logout_url(:login_to => request.url), {:title => 'Log out'} %>

  <!-- Fleet Service -->
  <div id="menuItems" >
    <div id="fleetServiceHeader"></div>
    <div id="service"></div>

=end %>

<div id="carsBG" >
  <div id="line"></div>
  <div >Cars</div>

  <%# The cars in a fleet %>
  <div id="carsTable">
    <div id="listBg" >
      <table >

        <tr >
          <td>Error codes</td>
          <td>Average energy/kilometer</td>
          <td>Average speed</td>
          <td>Number of trips</td>          

        <% do |c| %>

              <%= link_to c.identifier, :action => 'car', :car_id => %>





              <%= c.battery_level * 100 %>%



              <%= c.trips.count %>


        <% end %>



  $(document).ready(function() {

    jQuery("#menuItems").click(function() {
      jQuery(this).animate ({ 'top':'20px' }, 200, 'linear', function (){
        jQuery ("#carsBG").toggle();




SUDDEN CODE ( Notice that all is fucked up) Including j_query and html text in td!:

  <title>fleet service _ <%= %></title>
  <%= stylesheet_link_tag 'fleet_service_new'%>
  <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
  <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>


   =begin %>
<div id="admin_bg">

  <!__ logout __>
  <%= link_to '<div id="logout"></div>', logout_url(:login_to => request.url), {:title => 'log out'} %>

  <!__ fleet service __>
  <div id="menu_items" >
    <div id="fleet_service_header"></div>
    <div id="service"></div>

   =end %>

<div id="carsBG">
  <div id="line"></div>
  <div >cars</div>

  <%# the cars in a fleet %>
  <div id="cars_table">
    <div id="list_bg" >
      <table >

        <tr >
          <td>error codes</td>
          <td>average energy/kilometer</td>
          <td>average speed</td>
          <td>number of trips</td>

        <% do |c| %>

              <%= link_to c.identifier, :action => 'car', :car_id => %>





              <%= c.battery_level * 100 %>%



              <%= c.trips.count %>


        <% end %>


  <div id="consat"></div>

    $(document).ready(function() {

      j_query("#menu_items").click(function() {
        j_query(this).animate ({ 'top':'20px' }, 200, 'linear', function (){
          j_query ("#cars_bg").toggle();





Serious Bug Nbr 1:

Sometimes when you rename a variable in a document, Intellij will go ahead and rename everything it finds in the document, ASSUMING it has identified they are related even though they are not. Note that this happens sometimes even though you click PREVIEW to have a look first rather than refactoring directly. Sometimes PREVIEW simply will go ahead and refactor without a Preview.
Nowadays after refactoring I always go ahead and check the local history of the project to make sure that Intellij didn't rename something else... I shouldn't have to do this and people unaware will get their code screwed up!!

I can't confirm this.

Serious Bug Nbr 2:

Reformat code. Intellij will ( at least in Grails/Groovy ) occasionally refactor code incorrectly and BREAK my code because of this. The breaking is because Intellij when refactoring will at times break lines to several rows, where a language might require for it to be on the same line. INCORRECT REFORMATTING.

I can't confirm this.

My biggest problem with IDEA (up to 8.04) is, that analyzing code and
applying suggestions may corrupt code. For example, IDEA suggests to make
interface methods final.



Hello Hamidam,

The tone of your message is not appopriate for this forum. Bug reports should
be reported to our issue tracker at with details
and without swear words.

I have been annoyed by this for long now but first time I actually
take my time to put it down as a complaint.

Serious Bug Nbr 1: Refactoring:

Sometimes when you rename a variable in a document, Intellij will go
ahead and rename everything it finds in the document, ASSUMING it has
identified they are related even though they are not. Note that this
happens sometimes even though you click PREVIEW to have a look first
rather than refactoring directly. Sometimes PREVIEW simply will go
ahead and refactor without a Preview.

Nowadays after refactoring I always go ahead and check the local
history of the project to make sure that Intellij didn't rename
something else... I shouldn't have to do this and people unaware will
get their code screwed up!!

Serious Bug Nbr 2:

Reformat code. Intellij will ( at least in Grails/Groovy )
occasionally refactor code incorrectly and BREAK my code because of
this. The breaking is because Intellij when refactoring will at times
break lines to several rows, where a language might require for it to
be on the same line. INCORRECT REFORMATTING.

Serious Bug Nbr 3:

In Ruby/Rails (happend now, and is the reason to why I am writing
this) Intellij will reformat my entire document/code from Uppercase
letters, to lowercase to FORCE me to have camel case rather than
CamelCase. It doesn't even ask and I am not sure what triggers this
behaviour. Note that Intellij AGAIN assumes wrong and not only renames
my variables but in fact it will rename everything with an Uppercase
to LowerCase or camel_case, including text and JAVASCRIPT CODE.

Serious Bug Nbr 4:
When SVN merging. Why do I have to make a decision right then and now
? Why can't I postpone the merging of the file to a time of my
choosing, ie when I re-update that file ? Perhaps I need to have a
discussion with someone about what to do, and that person might not be
available RIGHT NOW.
I have felt this many times, and I feel it right now.  F**CK
intellij!! I have payed lots of money for my license and the biggest
threat for me is Intellij keeps fucking assuming stuff that it fucking
shouldnt! Stop fucking do that. How can I turn this shit off ? It'
breaks my code which at times is time consuming, and very frustrating.

I keep using Intellij because other than that, it's an excellent
editor, mainly for it's search features, but these issues are serious
and I am sure someday it's going to make changes that are not noticed.

It's time Intellij got control of their editor.. are these issues not
known ?

Sincerely, Hamidam

Original message URL:

Dmitry Jemerov
Development Lead
JetBrains, Inc.
"Develop with Pleasure!"


Dimitri, sorry. You are probably probably correct about it being inappropiate, but when it destroys my code by a pattern of making assumptions I can't not feel much love at these serious issues and most coders are not afraid of saying the word fuck to express their emotions. I am sure you are not one of us.

I am not going to post this message any other place because t I do not work for Intellij, I pay them. The information has reached Intellij and I suggest you or someone else copy and paste the message since I do not have time to become a member of anything.

Sincerely, Hamidam


Hello Hamidam,

We receive a large number of bug reports for IntelliJ IDEA. Because of that,
we have to choose which of them are fixed in due course and which are postponed
until a later time. When making that choice, we give a strong preference
to reports which are sent through appropriate channels, with adequate wording
and sufficient information for us to find and fix the problem.

Dimitri, sorry. You are probably probably correct about it being
inappropiate, but when it destroys my code by a pattern of making
assumptions I can't not feel much love at these serious issues and
most coders are not afraid of saying the word fuck to express their
emotions. I am sure you are not one of us.

I am not going to post this message any other place because t I do not
work for Intellij, I pay them. The information has reached Intellij
and I suggest you or someone else copy and paste the message since I
do not have time to become a member of anything.

Dmitry Jemerov
Development Lead
JetBrains, Inc.
"Develop with Pleasure!"


I can appreciate your frustration with these bugs but you're really not doing
yourself any favours here. Consider the following:

1) You say you've been encountering these bugs since 7.0.4. That's what,
2-3 years now?! Did you report the bugs when you first encountered them?
If not, why did you wait so long? They could have been fixed years ago and
saved you a lot of your frustration.

2) Given the apparent serious nature of the bugs, it's very surprising that
they have existed for that long without other users also being affected by
them. I can't comment on the last 3 since I don't use Grails, RoR or SVN,
but the rename problem I have never seen in all 4,747 times I've used it.
The "Search in comments and strings" and "Search for text occurrences" features
can behave as you describe though, are you sure you have them disabled?

3) If you have indeed encountered a bug, it must be something fairly specific
to your configuration and would need a bit of back-and-forth with you to
narrow down. Like it or not you're going to have to put in a bit of time
to help Jetbrains fix them. Your refusal to help further will likely mean
they get marked as "cannot reproduce" or similar.

3) By submitting a report to Jetbrains (rather than reporting it here) means
you're much more likely to get the problems investigated. IMHO it's not reasonable
to expect Jetbrains to collect ad-hoc bug reports from these forums or elsewhere
on the web. It would put an additional strain on their support team and developers
that would be detrimental to everyone, yourself included. I'd rather see
that time spent more productively.

4) Even supposing Dmitry did submit your bugs to their tracker - what happens
when the developer investigating the issue wanted to ask you further questions
(as would surely be the case, eg to find out what specific settings you have
enabled). They'd have to either come and find you here (waste of their time
and outside their normal workflow) or email you directly (so no one else
with similar problems could benefit from seeing the conversation).

In my experience Jetbrains have very good customer support. I've submitted
dozens of bug reports over the years and they generally get resolved pretty
quickly. If you've refused to submit or follow up bug reports through the
official channels for so long for what you consider to be serious bugs, it
seems a bit much to now turn around and abuse Jetbrains.


Dimitri, sorry. You are probably probably correct about it being
inappropiate, but when it destroys my code by a pattern of making
assumptions I can't not feel much love at these serious issues and
most coders are not afraid of saying the word fuck to express their
emotions. I am sure you are not one of us.

I am not going to post this message any other place because t I do not
work for Intellij, I pay them. The information has reached Intellij
and I suggest you or someone else copy and paste the message since I
do not have time to become a member of anything.

Sincerely, Hamidam


Chris, yes.. the reason I haven't submitted my errors is as you describe in number 2 and number 3, that I expected these bugs to be so frequent that they must have been known as you described yourself and that a solution in 9 would have been available. This along with waiting for 3 years for someone to figure out at Intellij that it could be useful to be able to have multiple editor windows so if you have >=2 screens you can place different types of groups of code on each screen. A feature like that is so basic that I am still stumbled to why this is not available as if today... Most coders do have >=2 screens, especially those that can afford to pay 450 USD for some software. Another feature that should already be includes is the move tab to right/left ... surely tabreorder plugin exists but it's extremely buggy... come on Intellij.. these stuff are so basic and useful that they should be on top of the list, not new features that are yet to be perfected. That just increases the list of imperfected features. Work to perfect the editor before adding lots of new stuff.

But I notice Intellij keeps changing towards the behaviour of making assumptions and this is increasingly making Intellij less fun to work with. If I highlight text in latest version and press a ' or ", what happens is that it will surrond my variable with quotes, rather than replacing it with a quote. Stuff like this are not intuitive and breaks my previous learned pattern ( surely you could argue that I could turn this off in some way). We are programmers and most of us pretty good, we do not always need someone to hold our hand, for simple stuff, and sometimes we want to be in control.

When it comes to the refactoring stuff, it has happened mostly when working with Groovy/Grails and where I do have the, don't check the strings and stuff..
I just want to rename this one here. The thing with dynamic languages is that they are very complex to figure out how they are intertangled, so most of the time I WANT TO BE IN CHARGE of my renaming. Sometimes I actually don't even want Intellij to help me rename anything other than in the current file or scope ( simple renaming )...

What I have encountered MANY times is that clicking the preview ( even though the search ... is unchecked ) to rename sometimes it seems as if Intellij makes a decision and renames without showing me the preview because perhaps it deems it as straightforward, but again it gets it wrong. I am sure these errors do not occur for Java developers but happens often enough in Groovy/Grails to not trust Intellij did it right.. If you try the undo, I have previously noticed ( 7.04 ) that other files gets a "set"VariableName in front... where does the "set" come from ?

I would like a feature where the SMART friend of Intellij just doesn't try to butt in, at all, at my request when I want to rename a file or whatever, especially because Intellij strongest feature is it's search facilities, and my ability to track down on my own where those variables are that needs to be renamed manually by me. If I want to rename a variable, a file or a picture, I should have an option of not going through the Refactor - > Rename, but just rename ( for files ). I do agree that it's nice to rename at occasionally but the preview just makes me take a risk each time... simple renaming ( when you don't get a popup but gets to rename on place) is ok because its powerful and usually doesn't go outside of the file or scope.

What made me angry yesterday is the strange behavior of renaming everything from CamelCase to camel_case and doing it so horribly wrong. This is the second time it happens for no reason. I am fairly new to Ruby/Rails programming and I do believe that the code standards in that world is to use camel_case so that is why I blame Intellij for trying to enforce those standards by some randomness that I cannot comprehend. Surely you guys can have a look at the code where this piece of code might be called from and what might be triggering it.

The Eclipse vs Intellij battle is mostly won by Eclipse if we where to disregard Intellij's search features. This is also Eclipses weakest features and working with a dynamic languages makes search highly important and is why I choose and like Intellij. If Eclipse where to offer similar search features there would be no reason for me to pay 450 USD for an Intellij license.


1) Please give us a rename feature without having anything to do with refactoring.
2) Intellij should try to make less assumptions or try to read the general mind. We are coders. We like to be in control, occasionally at least.
3) Please give us a way of popping out windows or groups. I have asked for this before, years ago.

Thank you, and sorry for yesterday. I was just angry :)


my bad


Sometimes when you rename a variable in a document, Intellij will go ahead and rename everything it finds in the document, ASSUMING it has identified they are related even though they are not. Note that this happens sometimes even though you click PREVIEW to have a look first rather than refactoring directly. Sometimes PREVIEW simply will go ahead and refactor without a Preview.
Nowadays after refactoring I always go ahead and check the local history of the project to make sure that Intellij didn't rename something else... I shouldn't have to do this and people unaware will get their code screwed up!!

when renaming, there is a checkbox which says something like "also replace strings in comments/text occurences". sometimes i accidently leave that one checked and i'll have to ctrl+z the changes made. other than that, i've never seen such a problem.
just to be sure: you are using "rename variable", not "replace text"?


Hamidam wrote:


1) Please give us a rename feature without having anything to do with refactoring.
2) Intellij should try to make less assumptions or try to read the general mind. We are coders. We like to be in control, occasionally at least.
3) Please give us a way of popping out windows or groups. I have asked for this before, years ago.

Thank you, and sorry for yesterday. I was just angry:)

In response to #1... From the lack of a link, it appears you you still have not filed a feature request asking for this. Personally, I do not see value in such. In the very rare case I would want to rename the file and not any references to it, I would select "Show in Explorer" from the project window context menu and use the file system to do such. That's me. If you believe there is value to this feature, you need to, as JetBrains said above, request it via proper channels. After requesting it, you, as we all do, must keep in mind that sometimes the way we personally work is very different than others. So a feature request that we think is a high priority may in fact be a very low priority. IMHO, this is such a feature. I could be wrong. Request it, post the link, and let the number of votes for it prove me wrong.

As for #3... had you used proper channels when asking for this years ago, you would have become aware of the feature request for this: You could have watched it over the last couple of years and been kept up to date on why it was delayed . And you would have been aware that this feature was implemented last month  (see and is a new feature in IDEA 10 released this past Friday:


No thats not it, as I mentioned above I always uncheck those.

Further improvement suggestions on Intellij :

1) Allow us to tell Intellij to ignore certain error highlighting types. The current way allows only for 3-4 different levels.
When I notice that Intellij is incorrectly highlighting code to warn me, I should be able to tell it to ignore exactly this type of error highlighting. For example the error highlighting in Groovy/Grails when a variable might not be initialized, even though that code is in an if ( variable ) block !?

It just gets pretty annoying seeing all types of different colors and underlines. Same thing with Javascript. Ignore this type of error in this file/whole project/all projects with a way to quickly have a look at what has been ignored. Perhaps this is possible in settings but I'd like a way to do it for error highlighting that happens right now, in the document.



No thats not it, as I mentioned above I always uncheck those.

Further improvement suggestions on Intellij  :

1) Allow us to tell Intellij to ignore certain error highlighting types. The current way allows us to choose between 3-4 different highlighting levels and that are local to the file.
When I notice that Intellij is incorrectly highlighting code to warn me, I should be able to tell it to ignore exactly this type of error highlighting. For example the error highlighting in Groovy/Grails when a variable might not be initialized, even though that code is in an if ( variable ) block !? Some error highlight is correct however and I like to leave those on.

It just gets pretty annoying seeing all different types colors and underlines. Same thing with Javascript. Ignore this type of error in this file/whole project/all projects with a way to quickly have a look at what has been ignored. Perhaps this is possible in settings but I'd like a way to do it for error highlighting that happens right now.

2) On paste, it would be good if there was a way to just paste without any pre proccessing. It usually LAGS and Intellij has CRASHED several times because of large amount of text that is pasted. I do no understand the purpose of the preprocessing but it would be nice if one could EASILY turn this off and have intellij just paste it as it is. I can manage the reformatting myself. Btw, Intellij used to never CRASH in earlier versions. It always came back sooner or later. But now it seems as if this is possible because I have given it time to finish to no luck.

3) I have noticed that Intellij when closed inproperly ( sometimes because of 2 ) nowadays and reopened always ask if I want to CONVERT my project. It creates some sort of backup, and I guess "converts" my project. Has Intellij decided to save certain things on proper close of the program which is why this is now happening ? This never used to happened before. Everything should be saved when I click save.

Cheers, Hamidam


2) On paste, it would be good if there was a way to just paste without any pre proccessing. It usually LAGS and Intellij has CRASHED several times because of large amount of text that is pasted. I do no understand the purpose of the preprocessing but it would be nice if one could EASILY turn this off and have intellij just paste it as it is. I can manage the reformatting myself. Btw, Intellij used to never CRASH in earlier versions. It always came back sooner or later. But now it seems as if this is possible because I have given it time to finish to no luck.

Isn't there an Edit|Paste Simple?


Hello Hamidam,

When you see a highlighting from an inspection, press Alt-Enter and then
right arrow key to see the list of options for the inspection. You can turn
it off altogether, suppress it for the file, or for the specific location
in the file.

Further improvement suggestions on Intellij :

1) Allow us to tell Intellij to ignore certain error highlighting
types. The current way allows only for 3-4 different levels.

When I notice that Intellij is incorrectly highlighting code to warn
me, I should be able to tell it to ignore exactly this type of error
highlighting. For example the error highlighting in Groovy/Grails when
a variable might not be initialized, even though that code is in an if
( variable ) block !?

It just gets pretty annoying seeing all types of different colors and
underlines. Same thing with Javascript. Ignore this type of error in
this file/whole project/all projects with a way to quickly have a look
at what has been ignored. Perhaps this is possible in settings but I'd
like a way to do it for error highlighting that happens right now, in
the document.

Dmitry Jemerov
Development Lead
JetBrains, Inc.
"Develop with Pleasure!"


Great to hear about number 3.

I forgot to include the reorder tabs in my conclusion. So let's call it number 4 now :). Is it on the way as well?


Yeah.. It seems like it.. I like the hotkey for it :) ..

Btw, this should be on by default.. the majority of times ( all for me ) ... I want to do a simple paste... just putting it out there... the lagging of CTRL + V is uneccesary, and I have a Quad Core :)

Cheers, Hamidam


Hello Hamidam,

Tab reordering is supported in IntelliJ IDEA 10.

Great to hear about number 3.

I forgot to include the reorder tabs in my conclusion. So let's call
it number 4 now
. Is it on the way as well?

Dmitry Jemerov
Development Lead
JetBrains, Inc.
"Develop with Pleasure!"


Hamidam, I know this has already been suggested to you, but as an IDEA user who reports bugs I would like add my voice: you should try out reporting bugs at YouTrack. I probably report several bugs a week on average, sometimes several a day, and the YouTrack interface requires no more of my time than absolutely necessary. It's very satisfying to see emails rolling in saying "Fixed" "Fixed" "Fixed". Some of them do sit there for a while but you can clearly see why when you have the overview of all the other bugs and their priorities, so you won't get frustrated by that. I haven't read everything you've written above but I did see something about thinking some of the bugs must already have been reported. It is a bit tricky to know whether a bug has been reported already. Personally I don't do much searching. Instead I typically describe the problem as quickly as possible for exactly the reason that my report might come straight back as "closed as duplicate". If there's not enough information, the JetBrains reviewers will request more. (I do always fill in "affected version" though). Pretty soon you work your way though your list of longstanding gripes and get into the habit of downloading the lastest EAPs and noticing new stuff (in the areas you use) before anybody else, which is when it gets satisfying because those get fixed pretty quickly and are seldom duplicates. And it's *easy*. The strength of the impulse that has you cursing and decrying in noob-like fashion could translate into a lot of useful bug reports :)


Hehe... Yeah.. I just went in.. it seems as if it works with my current account so it probably won't much more difficult than doing it here :)


Thanks for the suggestion.
It's available most of the time but I just noticed that it isn't always offered. For example in Javascript ( why I just went in ) ...
I am using a variable included in another script ( normally intellij detects this as well ) but putting the mouse over now in that file on several different places .. it says :

Unresolved method or function loadDataFrom... CTRL + ALT gives me "create method loadDataFrom"... same thing on a variable O. ( my JS library ) .. CTRL + ALT gives me create local variable O...

Can't tell Intellij to ignore. I think it's a warning not an error.. but eyes goes to it... It does exist in that scope when that code is exectuted... loadDataFrom method is a private JS method of the class X that is made public by this.loadDataFrom = loadDataFrom
( actually I call a method and pass this and the private methods to be made public ... but I don't blame intellij for not detecting.. but I still see colors and underlines and can't turn this off... mostly underlines on a second look) perhaps the "ignore this" could be added on these types of warnings as well...

Cheers, Hamidam


Hello Hamidam,

It's true that some kinds of highlighting are not provided by inspections,
and these cannot be suppressed or turned off. You're welcome to file YouTrack
issues for the cases you think that such possibility should be provided.
(In this particular case, I agree that there should be a possibility to suppress
the highlighting.)

Thanks for the suggestion.

It's available most of the time but I just noticed that it isn't
always offered. For example in Javascript ( why I just went in ) ...

I am using a variable included in another script ( normally intellij
detects this as well ) but putting the mouse over now in that file on
several different places .. it says :

Unresolved method or function loadDataFrom... CTRL + ALT gives me
"create method loadDataFrom"... same thing on a variable O. ( my JS
library ) .. CTRL + ALT gives me create local variable O...

Can't tell Intellij to ignore. I think it's a warning not an error..
but eyes goes to it... It does exist in that scope when that code is
exectuted... loadDataFrom method is a private JS method of the class X
that is made public by this.loadDataFrom = loadDataFrom

( actually I call a method and pass this and the private methods to be
made public ... but I don't blame intellij for not detecting.. but I
still see colors and underlines and can't turn this off... mostly
underlines on a second look) perhaps the "ignore this" could be added
on these types of warnings as well...

Dmitry Jemerov
Development Lead
JetBrains, Inc.
"Develop with Pleasure!"


Yes.. since we are on this topic, another one ( I will start using youtrack in the future :)) :

 <script type="text/javascript">
      var carId = <%= %>;

after the ; you get an line that yields nothing with CTRL + ENTER
Its a red line on the right side panel saying expression expected...

Cheers, Hamidam


Dimitry, why don't you spend your efforts fixing these problems instead of worrying about language? Shouldn't your priority be to FIX IT?


As I've already explained, we receive a very large number of problem reports from our users, and we can't give the same priority to each report. Problems reported through appropriate channels and with sufficient information required to reproduce the problem tend to get higher priority.



No offense, but yesterday I started posted stuff in Youtrack, and posted 4 already, but no feedback, no comments, no discussion.

The youtrack stuff isn't for a community and what I would prefer is have people contribute and bring to light issues that we users deem as important.
Here, you, the lead developer comment on my issues and give me tips. On youtrack I get nothing. It feels that someone might actually take in what I have to say here.
This thread however is becoming a bit to big, and I am not sure if I have read all comments that have been posted or if I have missed something. A last post link is available at the top, but perhaps that should be latest X number of posts...

People want to do more than just post their bugs. We want to have some feedback, new ideas, have a discussion, we want to know that someone is listening.

While I posted stuff here, I get feedback, People join in, listen and contribute. Although I agree that my language is not appropiate always, it's also because I am normally frustrated when I and perhaps others write those things.

The people at Intellij need to stop thinking that they have the answers for all our problems. We want to tell you what our real problems are.
You do not collect usage information why you are limited only to guesses on what is going on, and how people actually use their IDEA. What I have noticed, at least for myself, is that you tend to make the wrong assumptions.

Intellij need to be targeted at a professional developer community that knows what they are doing. We do not need constant default behaviours that are illogical. CTRL + V should be simple paste. Out of all my pastes, at least 80 % either gives me a dialog explaining some error that just happened, the other just lags. I am afraid of pasting nowadays.

It's not about having to go into settings and change the hotkeys. Often people will argument, that you can do things this way, or this way. But that is not how it should be. If I have become enlightened through some discussion that is a very limited set of user base. What about all the other users that do not spend several hours a day discussing these issues on forums ? I am doing this right now when I should be working. You can imagine that I feel that I have something to say.

I am sure you are aware of many of these bugs, but Intellij seems to go from good to worse. I am seriously thinking of switching back to 7.04. Things where buggy back then, but they where less so than they are today. Intellij needs to take a grip. The update from 7.04 to 8 a couple years ago was impossible because of the constant freezes that occured and made it practically useless, so I had to downgrade. Now with 9 those issues are addressed, but unfortunately you have also introduced lots of new annoying features.

Not sure what language you use for creating the IDEA. It seems to be that Java is one of those, although that makes no sense, since the bugs here suggest a less secure one. Perhaps a more dynamic one, which is making things as the IDEA codebase grows go towards more bugs.

There are lots of people that like TextMate and Emacs because they never butt in. They just let you be. When in editor mode, Intellij should not create a default behaviour for so much.
Highlighting is ok. When I double click to highlight a text today and press ' ( single quote ) i get a surronding quote. Often I just want to replace a variable with a string value and start off with a ' (quote).. , usually for debugging or other things. Try to place a quote ' in that manner, now requires me to learn a new pattern. Pressing quote again yields nothing. At least that should replace everything with a quote, but now I have to press delete first and ' again...

Automating closing divs, other elements, quotes and whatnots in 75% of the cases ends up with having to delete what Intellij automatically put in. Either it doesn't realize that I am not finished.. This causes me work, I would prefer to just close this myself, since majority of the times I have to this anyway. It's not that much of a help to place a </div> for me anyway.. or } when I open with a { ...
However I see no reason to why this couldn't be added if you can convince me that you are able to make the right call in at least 90% of the cases. Right now I would say you are around the 20-25%. Not impressive.

Could we get a editor free mode, with perhaps five to X number of options to turn off ? Error highlighting off, butt in mode off, ...

That's just me, right? I think there is a couple of people out there that agree with me though.
Enthusiastic developers like to add new stuff, and less so address bugs. You need to go in there and tell your developers that things are going to be different from now on. haha :p

Give us more freedom, isn't that what we all want? We all yearn for freedom :), and this is not MS Office users. Most developers are not PHP newbies that still uses MySql ( no offense.. haha but those are stereotypes ).

I haven't tried 10 yet, but it sounds that it has lots of new features that I have been waiting for. Normally that also means lots of new features that I will dislike.

I can vouch for that had Eclipse offered good search features of the level that Intellij does ( which is Intellijs best feature according to me ) I would never have needed to use Intellij. But I use dynamic languages pretty often, and I therefore need good search capabilities. Eclipse beats Intellij on almost anything else, and especially stability.
This has been a constant struggle. Often I say, ah.. fuck it, I am going to go with Intellij anyway because I can't live without the search features. But then I also often end up having to reconsider my position the next time and a hope that things have become better in a new version. It's a constant love and hate.
Now I will have to give 10 a try in an upcoming project. What the outcome will be I am not sure, but I keep hoping that this talent of Intellij will turn into a complete love story.

Key word is on less assumptions on user behaviour. And more on user capability ( and easibility ) to go out, temporarily or forever from a feature, with an easy way to go through all this and ability to see what I have changed from the default behaviour so I can turn it on/off again should I need to when I discover that this wasn't so good after all. A way to see "changed from defaults".

The intellij settings gives me headache and I have no clue how to do and alter most things. Better orginazation? Better structure?
I am not sure how many profile sections you have. You have one for keys, one for something else, and one for third and possibly a fourth. This is just not working, at least not for me.  Explanations on the setting are essential as well ( in the settings menu.. not through F1, perhaps a windows style ? question) , because its just a frustrating try and error application, that makes me reluctant to use it. Good search for the settings that requires me to know what I am searching for and what it's called.

I do not expect any answer, and I understand that you can not feel to good hearing all this right now. Hopefully you won't feel any sadness or anger towards me or someone else.
Most of this becomes about highlighting errors and bugs, and that't the nature of discussions like this. There are many great things about intellij as well.
Local history, SVN history and ofcourse the search which I cannot say anything to improve. It's perfect and beats anything I have seen. These are also Eclipses weakest points, including the history stuff.

Ok, I think I have vented enough now :p

Cheers, Hamidam


".. good search capabilities. Eclipse beats Intellij on almost anything else, and especially stability."

Jetbrains should put this one on their office wall ;-)

Anyway,as I see it, Eclipse combined with a grep tool (of your choice) should solve all your problems


I don't think so... what I mean by that is the user ability with Intellij when using those tools, from how easy to perform all kinds of searches to the presentation of them, and then the taking me to them.. Eclipse local history will always open a new editor window for example, named exactly the same as the one you where looking at. It can become very confusing keeping track of which one is history and which one is the current. CTRL + J in Eclipse ( CTRL + F in Intellij ) will allow you to search in file but it's a label and not a text box.. Once you hit down or up key, you can not edit that one simply by start typing ( sometimes you can, others not).. Eclipse also doesn't highlight all it finds. It will also tell you that it did not find anything because it only looks downwards, to find the others you have to use your up key...  and so on...

What I have noticed is that things like is badly implemented in Eclipse and there is a lack of user ability.
You can search using eclipse so I don't need any grep tool, the problem is the amount of energy I have to put by searching, organizing and analyzing that information correctly.
An external tool for this is not going to be satisfactory. As it should be very easy. Time is of the essence, always.
However, I might try the Spring Eclipse version now that I think about, maybe they a different implementation of Eclipse, but you are always going to find imperfections. The idea is to perfect things.

Intellij could solve some these things relatively small issues by becoming aware of them perhaps. I still believe that Intellij has better potential.

Dimitry, have anyone of you figured out why the underscore issues for example occures ? What kind of feature is that ? It has to be build in someplace... why provide or implement a feature that turns uppercase to lower_case in the firstplace ? It just seems error prone and could never be implemented correctly...

Cheers, Hamidam


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