JRE 1.5 bundling
JetBrains: Do you have a rough estimate of when IntelliJ will be bundled
with JRE 1.5 and what blocks it from happening?
I am asking out of sheer curiosity, I know I can work in any JDK I want.
May be a broader question - regarding all the bundled libraries (JUnit,
Ant, etc.), how do you decide when to take a new version?
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Amnon I. Govrin wrote:
I think OS/X not having 5.0 would be a blocker.
Is there any word from Apple as to when they might release 5.0? I just got
a Mac, and am desperate for a 5.0 version. I'm become attached to generics
and the foreach loop, and don't want go back to 1.4.
>> JetBrains: Do you have a rough estimate of when IntelliJ will be
>> bundled with JRE 1.5 and what blocks it from happening?
First, why do you care? Personally we do not use it yet, because of the hard
ternary operator bug. Who knows, whether our code contains such a statement.
Yes this is what they said a while back, and until that happens, no
On 12/8/04 3:31 PM, in article cp7obj$ct1$1@is.intellij.net, "Mark
Derricutt" <mark@talios.com> wrote:
>> JetBrains: Do you have a rough estimate of when IntelliJ will be bundled
>> with JRE 1.5 and what blocks it from happening?
I guess, it will be released with OS X Tiger next year. It is unknown whether there will be a backport for 10.3. However, there is no official statement from Apple yet.
Dirk Dittert
Apple did say it on one of the lists... But I don't think we can discuss
it... To get the answer however, check to see if JDK 1.4.2 is back ported to
10.anything pre 10.3.
On 12/8/04 4:48 PM, in article
2155444.1102542520149.JavaMail.itn@is.intellij.net, "Dirk Dittert"
<no_mail@jetbrains.com> wrote:
Can you elaborate on the ternary operator bug?
I had a look at the java bug database, but could not
find anything that refers to your comment.
I tried to define a Structural Search to find any instances of this, but
gave up - we just crossed our fingers and hoped for the best. Out of
academic interest, is it possible to find all places where this bug is
(or might be) with Structural Search?
Robert Gibson wrote:
You can at least get part of the way using
$Expression$ ? $Expression2$ : null
where $Expression$ has the regular expression
or whatever characters you use in local variable names. This seemed to
filter out all ternary operators dependent on complex expressions. It
was still necessary to see whether the hits were in fact dependent on
local variables (as opposed to fields) and whether those variables were
final, but it did save some work.
Then you have to run the search again with "null" as the middle
expression, of course.
I'm curious about this to. The big desire to see IDEA use 5.0 for its jre for me would be performance. You can get it to work enough to test this today. On my machine, IDEA takes 24 seconds to start with its default JRE. With the 5.0 JDK, it takes 23 seconds.
Due to the lack of a noticable performance increase, and the lack of OSX support for 5.0, I'd say why bother. I hope 1.4 is the version in the next release. I'd rather see jetbrains focus on feature enhancements then deubugging the 5.0 jdk for sun.
What other reasons would there be to want 5.0?
I would assume that you are on a non-windows platform? Things start-up
lickity-split on windows. It takes Tomcat 4 about 4 seconds to get up
and running. Smoking!
Norris Shelton
Sun Certified Java Programmer
Jason Rentovich wrote:
>>First, why do you care? Personally we do not use it
>I'm curious about this to. The big desire to see IDEA use 5.0 for its jre for me would be performance. You can get it to work enough to test this today. On my machine, IDEA takes 24 seconds to start with its default JRE. With the 5.0 JDK, it takes 23 seconds.
>Due to the lack of a noticable performance increase, and the lack of OSX support for 5.0, I'd say why bother. I hope 1.4 is the version in the next release. I'd rather see jetbrains focus on feature enhancements then deubugging the 5.0 jdk for sun.
>What other reasons would there be to want 5.0?
is this what you have in mind:
static final String $Var$ = ($FLAG$ ? "$STRING$" : null)
Search for static final String $Var$ = ($FLAG$ ? "$STRING$" : null)
code references:1 occurences
com.mycom.a.b ( in /dvlp/flex/test/unittest/src ) ( 1 code reference in 1 file )
FileNameTest.java ( 1 code reference )
(43, 31) private static final String str = (flag ? "STIRNG" : null);
The biggest for me, being a Solaris user, is that running a 1.5 JRE fixes a couple annoying bugs. One, a bug which crashes IDEA when selecting the appearance settings and two, a bug that prevents the built-in help from being found.
I see so a second performance increase on startup is how we're going to measure good/bad reasons to go from JDK 1.4 to 5.0? :)
So besides allowing you to start working 1 second sooner than your co worker, does it make anything else better for idea to be running in JDK 5?
(I'd think JetBrains would like to use the JDK specific features to write idea, and hence we'd need to be able to run it, but this doesn't have anything to do with why WE need Idea to run on JDK 5)
Well, everything is a bit faster with 5.0... (no exact measurements, but not feeling... did a few things sitting there with the stop-watch :))
Can also be seen on slower machines: The Java-editor scrolls, edits etc. much smoother with JDK 5.0.
Still, as everybody developing normally uses a fast machine these are not real issues... I think most interesting would be the new JVM/monitoring capabilities of JDK 5.0, I wonder whether its possible to attach to them (without doing lots of work) or integrating tools which attach to them... (you know what I mean) using a 1.4 JRE (actually, IDEA is 3.6 versions behind! ;))
Reason would be that if JB doesn't run on JRE 5.0 with Irida (IDEA 5.0 with JDK 5.0, comes handy :)) it will need another full EAP cycle (IDEA 5.5? 6.0?) to integrate it so (taking above in account) this could be a bit late.
Just my $0.02