ANT: Optional Tasks
I try to set up ANT to user ftp...
to %JAVA_HOME%/lib and added to the "Ant additional classpath" like read in the forum ;).
But still doesn't work: "Could not create task or type of type: ftp"
Same problem exists with "scp". Can anybody help me?
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Johannes Schneider wrote:
just a wild guess, but IDEA ships with ANT 1.5.x and perhaps the FTP
tasks uses a different lib than commons-net. This is at least true for
the telnet task which used a different lib back in 1.5.x where ANT 1.6
now uses commons-net
Ant 1.5 used NetComponents.jar
Hello Johannes,
FTP task requires a dependant library: NetComponents.jar, put it into
the Ant's additional classpath.
If you want ftp task to be recognized in build.xml file, put
NetComponents.jar into IDEA_HOME\lib and restart IDEA.
You can download the required library from .
Serge Baranov
JetBrains, Inc
"Develop with pleasure!"
Original Message-----
From: "Johannes Schneider" <>
Sent: Monday, February 16, 2004, 11:22:24 AM
To: jetbrains.intellij.eap
Subject: ANT: Optional Tasks
I try to set up ANT to user ftp...
to %JAVA_HOME%/lib and added to the "Ant additional classpath" like read in the forum ;).
But still doesn't work: "Could not create task or type of type: ftp"
Same problem exists with "scp". Can anybody help me?
I think you can also click on the properties icon in the 'ant build' tool window (second icon from the right in 4.0) and add the library to the additional paths tab.
At least that worked for me.
"Ronald Kinion" <> wrote in message
window (second icon from the right in 4.0) and add the library to the
additional paths tab.
Yes, it's much more proper way then copying files to IDEA lib directory.
JARs specified in Build File Properties dialog will be used to run ant from
Dmitry Peshehonov
Software Developer
JetBrains, Inc
"Develop with pleasure!"
Does it work in IDEA 4.5?
Seems like not (at least in build #2233). :(
p.s. Works pretty fine in 4.0.3
It would be a great improvement if you could detect the additionally entered JARs and parse them at runtime, rather that forcing a restart of IDEA.
Developing and then testing custom Ant tasks would be made much simpler by this alteration.
It would be great if, like the Plugin Manager, you could choose which ANT tasks to download and install.
v. nice.
You could always write a plugin to do this. {:-)
I've found that something like this works, (without restarting idea):
than later on in your task you say: ]]>