2002 Ant: Unable to use ftp task
My ftp task in build.xml file doesn't work.
The "ftp" task is hilighted in red "Element ftp is not allowed here."
I'm not sure if this is an IDEA problem or change
in Ant 1.6
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I'm having the same issue. I would tell you that IDEA uses an integrated Ant 1.5 though. So it has nothing to do with your own install of Ant
Just found another thread on this topic. Ant 1.5 uses NetComponents.jar so you need to download that file.
Then add that to your Ant build properties class-path, restart IDEA and all is well with the world.
It will help with proper launching of custom tasks described in build.xml.
But it doesn't help with syntax color highlighting, when opening this build.xml in IDEA's 4.5 editor. It highlights custom tasks with red.