1071 - <jsp:setProperty> not working?
In my jsp page, i have the following code:
The bold 'sbDatabase' setProperty name is marked as an error, saying 'cannot resolve symbol sbDatabase'.
This worked fine in builds prior to 1071. Is this a bug, or do I missed something?
Thanks in advance,
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Robin van het Hof wrote:
Yes.. This is a bug. It is fixed in 1074.
Igor Kuralenok
JetBrains Inc.
"Develop with pleasure!"
Cool, thanks!
Now I can go home :)
In my jsp page, the following code appears but all the java references to 'trafficLightPersonalisation' and 'AASRepository' error due to 'Cannot resolve symbol'. The project is set up as a Java module type.
A portion of the code follows:
<%@ taglib uri="bloxtld" prefix="blox" %>
<%@ taglib uri="bloxuitld" prefix="bloxui" %>
<%@ taglib uri='bloxformtld' prefix='bloxform' %>
<blox:repository id="AASRepository" />
<jsp:useBean id="trafficLightPersonalisation" scope="session">
// The reference to trafficLightPersonalisation has a cannot resolve symbol error
// The reference to AASRepository has a cannot resolve symbol error
String jcCustomer = AASRepository.getUserProperty("jcCustomer") ;