Build 2005 or >
Any idea (no pun intended) when the next pallada build will be released? I've been waiting along time (since 2002) for RMI compilation to be included in Idea and I see my votes were released and the feature was added as of build 2005.
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already available:-)
Best regards,
Eugene Zhuravlev
Software Developer
JetBrains Inc.
"Develop with pleasure!"
"Tony Manners" <> wrote in message
compilation to be included in Idea and I see my votes were released and the feature was added as of build 2005.
It wasn't when I posted last night LOL. Thanks Eugene!
Hello Eugene,
I should write more Willam Hung songs when we see a longer delay. he has a whole album you know :)
-- Posted by JetBrains OmniaMea
Hello Eugene,
I should write more Willam Hung songs when we see a longer delay. he has a whole album you know :)
-- Posted by JetBrains OmniaMea
Can we get a "Pallada EAP build announcemnts" thread on the "Announcements (EAP)" forum?
adding a watch to those makes it much easier to keep track of new builds...
Luke Hutteman wrote:
I agree. That suggestion was posted to the 2002 announcement, but no
changes were made.
How can I invoke the RMI compilation? Could not find it in menus...
Use build 2008 or >. File | Settings | Compiler, "RMI Compiler" tab.
Best regards,
Eugene Zhuravlev
Software Developer
JetBrains Inc.
"Develop with pleasure!"
"Igor Karpov" <> wrote in message
I manage to crash the whole VM when I attempt to use the RMIC
What information should I attempt to collect in order to report this bug?
A detailed description and any stacktraces will be fine
Best regards,
Eugene Zhuravlev
Software Developer
JetBrains Inc.
"Develop with pleasure!"
"Glenn McGregor" <> wrote in message