1177 - UI - Run Configuration not updating with what i select from the dropdown
lets say i want to change the run/test configuration i am running, i can choose it, but it doesnt update the UI. so i end up running the confuguration that i selected, even though the 'active' config in the UI hasnt changed. weird.
anyone else seeing this behavior? this didnt happen in previous builds.
note, u usually copy my configs over to new aurora.zips that i download and i've had teh same idea instance open for a few days straight - if that makes a differece..
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Yes, I have seen this on recent builds but only once. Most of the time
it behaves as expected.
Trevor wrote:
I have the same problem with PyCharm 2020.2 (Professional Edition), Build #PY-202.6397.98, built on July 27, 2020
Runtime version: 11.0.7+10-b944.20 amd64
VM: OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM by JetBrains s.r.o.
Windows 10 10.0
GC: ParNew, ConcurrentMarkSweep
Memory: 1964M
Cores: 12
Non-Bundled Plugins: PlantUML integration, com.intellij.ideolog, net.seesharpsoft.intellij.plugins.csv, org.sylfra.idea.plugins.linessorter, ua.in.dej.myEmmet, com.jetbrains.lang.ejs, de.escalon.idea.plugin.svelte, com.jetbrains.intellij.datalore, org.toml.lang
it would be fixed in a next release: https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/IDEA-243195