Tabs and tab groups. How do I ?


How do I move a tab from one group to another? (splitted horizontally or vertically)

How do I minify a tab group?

Is there a way to float an editor window? ( to be able to place it on a different screen)

Thank you / Moe

Permanently deleted user

No answer? There's got to be a way because not being able to do this is really annoying. Is there plugins that can do this? Is there other ways to tackle these things?

Thanks in advance / Moe

Permanently deleted user

H> How do I move a tab from one group to another? (splitted horizontally
H> or vertically)

Right-click on the tab -> Move to Opposite Group.

H> How do I minify a tab group?

Other than resize the tab group to be as small as possible, I don't think
there is a way.

H> Is there a way to float an editor window? ( to be able to place it on
H> a different screen)

Not that I'm aware of.

Permanently deleted user

H> How do I move a tab from one group to another? (splitted horizontally
H> or vertically)

Right-click on the tab -> Move to Opposite Group.

That only works if there is two Groups. There is no drag-drop or selector to which one, one wants to move it.

H> How do I minify a tab group?

Other than resize the tab group to be as small as possible, I don't think
there is a way.

Yeah, it appears so. That totally blows.

H> Is there a way to float an editor window? ( to be able to place it on
H> a different screen)

Not that I'm aware of.

That also blows. The project hierarchy window can be floated so the possibiliy of floating anything should be possible.
Permanently deleted user

H> How do I move a tab from one group to another? (splitted horizontally
H> or vertically)

Right-click on the tab -> Move to Opposite Group.

That only works if there is two Groups. There is no drag-drop or selector to which one, one wants to move it.

H> How do I minify a tab group?

Other than resize the tab group to be as small as possible, I don't think
there is a way.

Yeah, it appears so. That totally blows.

H> Is there a way to float an editor window? ( to be able to place it on
H> a different screen)

Not that I'm aware of.

That also blows. The project hierarchy window can be floated so the possibiliy of floating anything should be possible.
(accidentally sent out the previous message)

I find Intellij to be one of the best editors I've tried. Mostly because of it's great search options, both within a src file, the whole project, and through hierarchy window.

But when it comes to basic functionality it lacks decency. I mean, should one really need a plugin to reorder to tabs? In eclipse you can unpin(float) anything. You can even have two project windows working on the same project.

I also dislike having to deal with all the extra unnessary space taking toolbars and delimiters everywhere. Most people don't have a 50" screen infront of them.
So to be able to see as much code as possible would be great. There should be fullscreen editing mode that is maximally stripped down.
We can fall back to the full intellij mode by a simple key sequence then.

I would also like to see an Expand All button for the directories in the hierarachy window. It's not fun when one accidentally clicks on Collaps All and have to open up evey directoy again to be able to search the files.

I hope you don't misinterpret this as bad critique. It's mostly things that I've found Intellij to be lacking and would like to see improved.

Sincerely / Moe

You can make any tool window (including project hierarchy) float and move it to another screen. Just click the left icon on the top of a tool window (something looks like two crossing screens). It has 'Float' tooltip.

However, it seems there is no way to undock editor window. I miss such possibility too.

Permanently deleted user

This is a different question, but still a how do I?

You can fold and unfold code with CTRL -, CRTL +, CTRL SHIFT / and CTRL *

If you have lots of code in a source file it's nice that everything can be folded with CTRL SHIFT /

but that folds every if block and such in the code as well.

So when I want to look at the method I want, I have to manually open every fold in that as well which makes the use of all this kind of useless.

The folding needs to be whole lot smarter.

When I fold everything thats ok. But when I place myself on a method thats folded, there needs to be a hotkey or button to open it up compeletly. There is a fold selection, but not a unfold selected.

Permanently deleted user

I actually just found a home made solution to that last one.. Just noticed while testing.

If you mark the folded part, DELETE it, and regret. Then the regretted part will be unfolded! ( WOW! )

I also wonder how I can see what parameters a method takes. It's visible at times, but then it disappears and I can't get it back. CTRL + SPACE doesn't seem to be working here.

Thanks / Moe


> I also wonder how I can see what parameters a method takes
Try Ctrl+P.

> But when I place myself on a method thats folded, there needs to be a hotkey or button to open it up compeletly.
Just click at folded body (grey {...}) or move to this block and click Ctrl+'+'.

Permanently deleted user

> I also wonder how I can see what parameters a method takes
Try Ctrl+P.

That will open the print window.

> But when I place myself on a method thats folded, there needs to be a hotkey or button to open it up compeletly.
Just click at folded body (grey {...}) or move to this block and click Ctrl+'+'.

'+' ?

doesnt work.


Maybe you have another keymap settings?
Ctrl+P always opens 'Paramaters Info' and Ctrl+'+' expand the current block. It is default Idea keymap.

Try to set up or fix you keymap in 'Setting' -> 'Keymap'. You can find here actions both by name and key stroke.


The same request like this.

Move to Opposite Group is exactly the function that I want but It works only when there are two groups.

If there are more then two groups, one can never USE ONLY KEYBOARD to move a tab from group 1 to groupo 3.

It seems that It have been 12 years since this request being requested. So now, Any solution for this?




You can use the Goto Next/Previous Splitter actions to jump between opened tab groups if you assign shortcuts to them:

Feel free to also vote for the following task and related issues:

See this article if you are not familiar with YouTrack.


Okay, "Goto Next Splitter" is an important function but what I'm talking about is another funciton.

"Goto Next Splitter" is moving FOCUS to next splitter.

What I need is moving current focused TAB to next spilitter. Not jusing focusing next splitter, but also move a tab into it.


To move tabs between already opened tab groups, you can either:

  • use the Move to Opposite Group action (can be found in the drop-down after right-clicking the tab's title; can be assigned a shortcut),
  • or hit Alt+Shift+Enter while in the current tab and jump between groups with TAB or select the new location with arrows.

You can also drag&drop tabs directly where you need them to be across opened editor groups. If tab titles are not immediately draggable, check if the option below is enabled in your settings. If it is, you need to hold Alt to perform the dragging.

More information on splitting the editor screen in IntelliJ IDEA:


Thanks for your patient replying.

Seems none of the solution solves the problem perfectly:

* Move to Opposite Group is one option, but it only moves tab between "Opposite Groups". So if there are 3 tab groups and I can move a tab from GROUP1 to GROUP2. But moving a tab from GOUP1 to GROUP3 is impossible using this action, because goup1's opposite group is group2, vice versa. 

* Grap & Drop: It is an excellent solution for people use both mouse and keyboard to coding. But it is not friendly to vim users. Touching mouse is very annoying for vim users because when we concentrate on coding, we use only keyboard, generally alphanumeric keys only.

ALT+Shift+Enter  : It just toggles fullscreen mode in my keyboard binding (Windows). Even though this works, touching arrow keys is also troublesome.

* Split and Move Right : It creates new splitter whenever invoked. Most of the time moving tab to an existing splitter is just fine.


So I hope there can be a function "Move current tab to the left/right(or up/down, next/previous?) splitter(or Tab Group)"


Nice, that's what exactly what I want!


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