build notes for 10781 missing?

I see build 10781 has been put up however I don't see the associated build details that has a list of issues / enhancements that have been fixed in this build. Any chance up updating the EAP download page with this information?


1 comment

Hello Sanjiv,

Since we've migrated to a different issue tracker during this EAP cycle,
we don't have complete release notes for this build. I hope that we'll be
able to publish release notes for subsequent builds as usual.

I see build 10781 has been put up however I don't see the associated
build details that has a list of issues / enhancements that have been
fixed in this build. Any chance up updating the EAP download page with
this information?

Dmitry Jemerov
Development Lead
JetBrains, Inc.
"Develop with Pleasure!"


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