View return value in debugger?
While debugging a java application, sometimes I wish to view the value returned from a method when I step out of it. How do I do that? Thanks!
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In the debugger window, Variables tab, "glasses" icon with tooltip "Watch method return values"
Cannot find it :(
Did this get removed from Clion? I no longer see a toolbar in the Variables pane.
In 2017.3 there is no "glasses icon" in the Run Dashboard. This feature seems to have been moved the the Run Dashboard's settings, which you find under the gear wheel icon on the left.
The issue for CLion:
Just enable the corresponding toolbar button in the debug view. It might be
disabled, because it slows down debugging significantly.
Thanks. Where do I enable to tool bar button you mentioned?
Yep that worked. Thanks!!
This is not implemented in CLion. Feel free to file a request at