Reformat code, @author-tag and commas
In build 977 the @author-tag started acting weird. When running "Reformat Code" having an author-tag like this:
@author ,
the reformatted code looks like this:
@author ]]>
Is there any way to configure this?
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Sakke Wiik wrote:
I'm not 100% sure but I think the "@author name1, name2" syntax was
deprecated and it was recommended that separate @author tags be used.
IDEA is probably trying to be smart and correct what it thinks is
deprecated syntax. Perhaps if you formatted it as "@author ()" or "@author - "? Ciao, Gordon -- Gordon Tyler (Software Developer) Quest Software ]]>
260 King Street East, Toronto, Ontario M5A 4L5, Canada
Voice: 416-643-4846 | Fax: 416-594-1919
]]> IDEA is smart.... TOO smart..
Gordon Tyler wrote:
>> In build 977 the @author-tag started acting weird. When running
>> "Reformat Code" having an author-tag like this:
>> @author , >> the reformatted code looks like this: >> @author >> @author >> >>]]> Is there any way to configure this?
I haven't heard this would be deprecated. Javadoc doesn't give any note about this. The Javadoc documentation( says: "You can specify one name per @author tag or multiple names per tag. In the former case, the Javadoc tool inserts a comma (,) and space between names."
This doesn't have anything to do with my problem, or have I misunderstood something?
Sakke Wiik wrote:
If you read a bit further... "In the latter case, the entire text is
simply copied to the generated document without being parsed. Therefore,
you can use multiple names per line if you want a localized name
separator other than comma."
In other words, if there is one @author tag it's contents are copied
verbatim without being parsed and so IDEA shouldn't be trying to
separate it into what it thinks are multiple authors.
So, yes, I think this is a bug.
Gordon Tyler (Software Developer)
Quest Software <>
260 King Street East, Toronto, Ontario M5A 4L5, Canada
Voice: 416-643-4846 | Fax: 416-594-1919
Well, there's already SCR for this planned for Aurora.
Don't worry this will be fixed.
Best regards,
Maxim Shafirov
JetBrains, Inc / IntelliJ Software
"Develop with pleasure!"
"Gordon Tyler" <> wrote in message
about this. The Javadoc
tml) says: "You can specify one name per @author tag or multiple names per
tag. In the former case, the Javadoc tool inserts a comma (,) and space
between names."
misunderstood something?