JSP error hilighting (build 973)


I was creating some JSP pages, and IDEA is hilighting lots of errors which are not errors. It doesn't seem to recognize the default 'out' object ("Cannot resolve constructor PrintWriter(javax.servlet.jsp.JspWriter)" and the 'println' method "Cannot resolve symbol 'println'"

Is this a known problem or is there a workaround? I'm not that familiar with JSP, so maybe I'm doing something wrong. The JSP code works, so I believe it is valid.

<%@ page import="java.net.*" %> <%@ page import="java.util.*" %> <%@ include file="/jsp/Global.jsp" %> <% PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(out); /* PWStyle.printOpenDocument(pw); PWStyle.printHeader(pw, "Blah Blah Blah"); PWStyle.printOpenBody(pw); */ %>

<% out.println(""); /* .... */ %> ]]>

1 comment

Oops, I mistyped the build number. This was with build 977.


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