'open all modified files' and 'inspector' question

hi there,
i have two very basic questions about idea - but i can not work out the solution myself. that's why i registered here.

1.) is there a feature 'open all modified files'?

so i love 'close all unmodified tabs' - that's what i do after i finished a task. then i go through the modified files and diff the changes
to get my commit comment. so if all tabs are closed i often think i am done. but a 'commit changes' renders a few files i forgot to commit because
the editor-tabs where already closed. what i now want is that i can say 'open all modified files' to get on with my diff - comment - commit cycle.
i know about the changelist and i can work with that too, but for no real reason i find open editors more comfortable.

question: is there are "open all modified files" feature?

2.) inspections
i like the inspections and the way one can configure them. what i would like is a feature where i can 'turn' the 'man in the taskbar' to NOT inspect.
what i have to do right now is to click 'the man in the taskbar' and then move the pointer on the scale to the left.

turning the man on and off would allow me to have a more 'aggressive' auditing because i easily can supress too much warnings.
right now i have configured my inspections a little bit 'defensive' so that a always-on does not render too much warnings.

question: is there a hotkey "turn the inspector in the taskbar"?

i hope you understand what i meant and also hope the questions are not too dumb.

Permanently deleted user

Hello frank,

i have two very basic questions about idea - but i can not work out
the solution myself. that's why i registered here.
1.) is there a feature 'open all modified files'?

so i love 'close all unmodified tabs' - that's what i do after i
finished a task. then i go through the modified files and diff the

to get my commit comment. so if all tabs are closed i often think i am
done. but a 'commit changes' renders a few files i forgot to commit

the editor-tabs where already closed. what i now want is that i can
say 'open all modified files' to get on with my diff - comment -
commit cycle.

i know about the changelist and i can work with that too, but for no
real reason i find open editors more comfortable.

question: is there are "open all modified files" feature?

Yes. Just press F4 on a changelist in the Changes view.

2.) inspections

i like the inspections and the way one can configure them. what i
would like is a feature where i can 'turn' the 'man in the taskbar' to
NOT inspect.

what i have to do right now is to click 'the man in the taskbar' and
then move the pointer on the scale to the left.

turning the man on and off would allow me to have a more 'aggressive'
auditing because i easily can supress too much warnings.

right now i have configured my inspections a little bit 'defensive' so
that a always-on does not render too much warnings.

question: is there a hotkey "turn the inspector in the taskbar"?

No, at the moment there isn't any. I've added a JIRA issue for this which
you can watch:

Note that you can use scopes and project inspection profiles to specify different
inspection settings for different parts of the project on a much more fine-grained
level than simply switching all inspections on/off. Also note that you can
suppress individual inspection warnings (press right arrow key in the Alt-Enter
menu to get the list of additional actions for a particular quickfix or inspection

Dmitry Jemerov
Development Lead
JetBrains, Inc.
"Develop with Pleasure!"

Permanently deleted user

Yes. Just press F4 on a changelist in the Changes view.

sensational, i already used this for single files - but it works (of course) for the whole changelist. - thanks

No, at the moment there isn't any. I've added a JIRA issue for this which
you can watch:

WOW, that was fast. thanks a lot.

Note that you can use scopes and project inspection profiles to specify different
inspection settings for different parts of the project on a much more fine-grained
level than simply switching all inspections on/off. Also note that you can
suppress individual inspection warnings (press right arrow key in the Alt-Enter
menu to get the list of additional actions for a particular quickfix or inspection

ah ok, i haven't worked with scopes yet. i have to figure out how i can connect
inspector profiles to scopes - thanks a lot for the hint.
the alt-enter context menu in inspectionhighlight was also new for me.

thanks a lot - keep up the good work

frank"fan of idea since ariadne EAP"waldheim

Permanently deleted user

Command + Shift + E opens all modified files in the project. I then select them all and press enter to achieve what you're looking for in the first part of your question


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