File Open dailogs insanely slow..

on a fast XP machine...

anyone else seeing this?...intellij freezes forever whenever you need to use a file dialog...


I'm not sure what causes this, I actually experience it still with 3.05v2 and it happened in one or two of the Aurora builds for me (can't recall which ones) -- file dialog opens fast in 939. Might just be that I stopped importing settings a while back when setting up a new version...

Also a speedy 3ghz XP machine here.


ok - i think java just hiccups sometimes when you have some 'disconnected' or slow network drives. i closed an invalid network drive and all is fine...



Trevor wrote:

on a fast XP machine...

anyone else seeing this?...intellij freezes forever whenever you need to use a file dialog...

Please provide as thread dump (Ctrl+Break in console) next time you
experienced with this problem.

Best regards,
Vladimir Kondratyev


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