struts-config.xml jsp's not resolved properly by IDE (but works in tomcat)
This is probably a simple re-configuration change, easy points for someone .. ;) .
Referring to an application that is working fine through ant, eclipse and in jboss and/or tomcat runtime:
All of the input and forward targets have pathnames like '/jsp/blah.jsp'.
These are universally receiving "cannot resolve symbol definition".
Now that sounds like a mismatch between the context base and my file system / project directory structure.
However, looking at the Web Module settings, they seem correct:
File | Project Settings | Modules | web Module | Web Resource Directories
Web Resource directory: c:\k\AppRoot (That is CORRECT: that is indeed the file system root directory for my webapp!)
Path Relative to Deployment root / (That also seems correct based on the documentation)
Here is an example target for reference.
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Is your struts config located under web root? Which variants are suggested
after the leading slash?
Yes the struts-config is living in WEB-INF as it should.
When I put "/", then it immediately goes RED (??)
When I just put "' (empty string) then it does give suggestions: JUST the action forwards defined in that same struts-config file plus the explicitly defined servlets mapped in the web.xml.
So clearly it is finding/matching up with the web.xml. But funny thing it is not even trying to show me any files, even in a wrong directory. Just none.
Edited by: Stephen Boesch on Apr 21, 2008 12:56 PM
It looks like you havn't configured a content root for c:\k\AppRoot. Have
Do you mean "Web Resource Directory" in the Web Facet dialog? That is set to c:\k\AppRoot. Is there any other related setting? I have looked around all of the project settings (and especially web-module) dialogs many times: but still quite possible I missed something.
I mean "Sources" tab in the module settings. What content roots have you
Hi Dimitry,
The module sources include c:\k\AppRoot (for the webapp) and c:\k\src (for the java) are included. The location of the jsp's is c:\k\AppRoot\jsp and it is included in the sources.