908 again unusable


You know, I've said, that Aurora EAP version's stability was much lower
than one or two years ago. They got better, so the 3 latest 8xx builds
were quite usable for daily work. I opened 908, tried to auto-import a
class, bang! Tried to auto-send the exception, bang! I tried to run
optimize imports, bang! Keep up the good work!


Permanently deleted user

The same here. It's very instable. Allmost every big operation
ends with an error message. But, reporting the bugs fails.
It's has something to do with the fact that I am behind a proxy server?


"Thomas Singer" <idea@regnis.de> wrote in message



You know, I've said, that Aurora EAP version's stability was much lower
than one or two years ago. They got better, so the 3 latest 8xx builds
were quite usable for daily work. I opened 908, tried to auto-import a
class, bang! Tried to auto-send the exception, bang! I tried to run
optimize imports, bang! Keep up the good work!




Permanently deleted user

> It's has something to do with the fact that I am behind a proxy server?

I think, no, because it does not work even without a proxy server.

BTW, wiping the caches made build 908 more stable.


Permanently deleted user

"Daniel Moldovan" <d.moldovan@level7.ro> a écrit dans le message de

The same here. It's very instable. Allmost every big operation
ends with an error message.

Well, even simple operations such as writing a single character in a single
file did make popup the "infernal" error dialog box :-(((((
I tried both an "overwrite" installation method, a "fresh" install, but none
made the beast work enough so that I can code anything.
The previous build was not usable too, on the very same project, it was much
slower, but I could not understand why.
For the moment, I stick to #876.


Permanently deleted user

>> It's has something to do with the fact that I am behind a proxy server?

I think, no, because it does not work even without a proxy server.

I have just posted a feature request:

Permanently deleted user

Guillaume, did you tried to wipe the cache? It's much more stable now.


Permanently deleted user

Thomas Singer wrote:



You know, I've said, that Aurora EAP version's stability was much lower
than one or two years ago. They got better, so the 3 latest 8xx builds
were quite usable for daily work. I opened 908, tried to auto-import a
class, bang! Tried to auto-send the exception, bang! I tried to run
optimize imports, bang! Keep up the good work!



Yeah, I hear you. I just gave 908 a shot, but even with deleting/rebuilding
the caches it crashes even on basic editor actions like copy/paste. I'm sticking
with 896 for now.


Permanently deleted user

That's weird. It's running totally fine for me at the moment (touch wood).
Did you try removing all your plugins?

Sascha Weinreuter wrote:

Thomas Singer wrote:

>> Hi,
>> You know, I've said, that Aurora EAP version's stability was much
>> lower
>> than one or two years ago. They got better, so the 3 latest 8xx
>> builds
>> were quite usable for daily work. I opened 908, tried to auto-import
>> a
>> class, bang! Tried to auto-send the exception, bang! I tried to run
>> optimize imports, bang! Keep up the good work!
>> Tom

Yeah, I hear you. I just gave 908 a shot, but even with
the caches it crashes even on basic editor actions like copy/paste.
I'm sticking with 896 for now.



Permanently deleted user

"Thomas Singer" <idea@regnis.de> a écrit dans le message de

Guillaume, did you tried to wipe the cache? It's much more stable now.

I only copied the config folder, not the system folder with the caches, and
on this fresh install, I had the "infernal exception" poping endlessly each
time I hit the keyboard :(

Maybe I'll retry a fresh install with a fresh new project to see if that


Permanently deleted user

Perchance it is the fact that I didn't clear out anything, but just
installed over the top of 896 that is saving me from the inferno here...

Guillaume Laforge wrote:

"Thomas Singer" <idea@regnis.de> a écrit dans le message de

>> Guillaume, did you tried to wipe the cache? It's much more stable
>> now.

I only copied the config folder, not the system folder with the
caches, and on this fresh install, I had the "infernal exception"
poping endlessly each time I hit the keyboard :(


Maybe I'll retry a fresh install with a fresh new project to see if
that works.



Permanently deleted user

Maybe you should clean jars and cache files in Aurora user directory.
I have done that.
Also seems that some problems disapeared between #896 and #908.

Permanently deleted user

Well, I installed over 896 (bad move, look like) and it is unusable for me. However, after clearing the caches, it does work better.

Permanently deleted user

which caches are you talking about?

The ones under ]]>/.intellijidea\system\caches ?

Permanently deleted user


Permanently deleted user

basically everything in the \system folder is a cache, it looks like. I just fried them all.

Permanently deleted user

I noticed that to get out of the dreaded infinite loop of "Send JetBrains this error" messages, if you quickly click in another location in the file, they'll stop popping up. Based on where my cursor is when they pop up, I'd venture a guess that it has to do with the (very local) parsing. It is particularly bad on lines that have errors.

Permanently deleted user

basically everything in the \system folder is a cache ...

Even the license file :)


Permanently deleted user

Oh yeah, make sure you don't delete that, or you'll have more problems than the error messages. :P


Yep, 908 is for all intents and purposes (all my intents and purposes anyway) useless. It won't even startup on one machine (where the top toolbar is disabled), and typing anything bring brings up that new pretty internal error dialog.

What's depressing is that this EAP has been going on for quite a while, and doesn't look like it's even moving in the direction of a release yet. Even if it were, I'd imagine it's a few more months before it's stable enough to be called production release. The features themselves of course have almost no appeal to me. The only truly useful one as far as I'm concerned is the junit integration, but even that I'd be willing to give up if I had the 7xx features back (such as compile to multiple path, to name one example).

I realise this is yet another critical post without offering any advice, but it's frustrating as a long time user to lose my excitement over IDEA, and somewhat depressing to not have any new features to look forward to (beyond what I already had in previous versions).

Permanently deleted user

Ok... :((((((((((((((((((

I was woorking fine for some hours with #908...

But for the last 2 minutes:

at com.intellij.psi.impl.a.j.c(j.java:31)

at com.intellij.psi.impl.a.f.getElement(f.java:7)

at com.intellij.codeInsight.b.a.q.a(q.java:2)

at com.intellij.codeInsight.b.a.y.run(y.java:6)

at com.intellij.openapi.editor.c.ct.runBatchFoldingOperation(ct.java:46)

at com.intellij.codeInsight.b.a.x.run(x.java:1)

at com.intellij.codeInsight.g.a.k.b(k.java:0)

at com.intellij.codeInsight.g.a.cn.run(cn.java:4)

at java.awt.event.InvocationEvent.dispatch(Unknown Source)

at java.awt.EventQueue.dispatchEvent(Unknown Source)

at com.intellij.ide.s.a(s.java:90)

at com.intellij.ide.s.dispatchEvent(s.java:87)

at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpOneEventForHierarchy(Unknown Source)

at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEventsForHierarchy(Unknown Source)

at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents(Unknown Source)

at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents(Unknown Source)

at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.run(Unknown Source)

I had to set the boxe that say to close Idea in the "trouble" report dialog, after that, when I open again Idea the files opened last time where not reopened.


Permanently deleted user

Well I don't know what your configuration is, but for me it is working
perfectly over the latest build. Without any cleanup of the cache and with
the same project file. I'm also using some plugins like RemoteSynchronizer
and TabSwitcher.

Our project is very huge (thousands of files. Java files, jsp, xml,
property, etc).

I will never go back to the previous version. Even if there is still some
bugs. The new CVS integration is simply amazing. I haven't use WinCvs for
weeks!!!! With the new feature Browse CVS repository, it is now even better
than WinCvs.

And I'm also very excited to see the integration of a future technology like

I know there still a lot to do, and there is still a lot of bugs, but I
think they're going in the right direction.


"Hani Suleiman" <hani@formicary.net> wrote in message

Yep, 908 is for all intents and purposes (all my intents and purposes

anyway) useless. It won't even startup on one machine (where the top toolbar
is disabled), and typing anything bring brings up that new pretty internal
error dialog.

What's depressing is that this EAP has been going on for quite a while,

and doesn't look like it's even moving in the direction of a release yet.
Even if it were, I'd imagine it's a few more months before it's stable
enough to be called production release. The features themselves of course
have almost no appeal to me. The only truly useful one as far as I'm
concerned is the junit integration, but even that I'd be willing to give up
if I had the 7xx features back (such as compile to multiple path, to name
one example).

I realise this is yet another critical post without offering any advice,

but it's frustrating as a long time user to lose my excitement over IDEA,
and somewhat depressing to not have any new features to look forward to
(beyond what I already had in previous versions).

Permanently deleted user

Nathan Brown wrote:

That's weird. It's running totally fine for me at the moment (touch wood).
Did you try removing all your plugins?

Nope, didn't try to remove all plugins yet, but I doubt that a plugin causes
the errors especially while typing because all plugins work and the stracktraces
are free of any plugin's code.



I'm not sure what I'm doing right, but 908 seems to be working for me to. I had lots of problems with the BoxPlugin. Once I removed that, I haven't seen another error.

Of course, now that I've said that, I'm sure I'm doomed...

Permanently deleted user

Thomas Singer wrote:

You know, I've said, that Aurora EAP version's stability was much lower
than one or two years ago. They got better, so the 3 latest 8xx builds
were quite usable for daily work. I opened 908, tried to auto-import a
class, bang! Tried to auto-send the exception, bang! I tried to run
optimize imports, bang! Keep up the good work!

I've been using it for a few hours and haven't had any problems. Well,
there are minor bugs that I notice from time to time, but it hasn't
crashed yet except once due to a plugin.

Permanently deleted user

I think Hani is on a Mac if I remember right, he might not be anymore.

I can say that for myself this build is somewhere between unusable and
usable with patience. Unfortunately right now patience is not what I
have because I'm back in major code writing mode.

My main beef with this build is that it wants to report bugs, which is
great, but it won't accept our login or something, which sucks.

I would like to see that piece fixed so we're not interrupted every time
we want to submit the bug, and know that we can't submit it because it
won't go through all the way and lock up on us. SO right now the bug
reporting is the biggest nuisance because it doesn't work. There's got
to be a switch to completely turn that off!


ThierryLeveque wrote:

Well I don't know what your configuration is, but for me it is working
perfectly over the latest build. Without any cleanup of the cache and with
the same project file. I'm also using some plugins like RemoteSynchronizer
and TabSwitcher.

Our project is very huge (thousands of files. Java files, jsp, xml,
property, etc).

I will never go back to the previous version. Even if there is still some
bugs. The new CVS integration is simply amazing. I haven't use WinCvs for
weeks!!!! With the new feature Browse CVS repository, it is now even better
than WinCvs.

And I'm also very excited to see the integration of a future technology like

I know there still a lot to do, and there is still a lot of bugs, but I
think they're going in the right direction.


"Hani Suleiman" <hani@formicary.net> wrote in message

>>Yep, 908 is for all intents and purposes (all my intents and purposes

anyway) useless. It won't even startup on one machine (where the top toolbar
is disabled), and typing anything bring brings up that new pretty internal
error dialog.

>>What's depressing is that this EAP has been going on for quite a while,

and doesn't look like it's even moving in the direction of a release yet.
Even if it were, I'd imagine it's a few more months before it's stable
enough to be called production release. The features themselves of course
have almost no appeal to me. The only truly useful one as far as I'm
concerned is the junit integration, but even that I'd be willing to give up
if I had the 7xx features back (such as compile to multiple path, to name
one example).

>>I realise this is yet another critical post without offering any advice,

but it's frustrating as a long time user to lose my excitement over IDEA,
and somewhat depressing to not have any new features to look forward to
(beyond what I already had in previous versions).

Permanently deleted user

the deleting of my source code is what really got me. It's an old bug but it still cost me a fair amount of time. I guess I'll always back up before upgrading eap versions.

Permanently deleted user

be working for me to. I had lots of problems with
the BoxPlugin. Once I removed that, I haven't seen
another error.

Regarding BoxPlugin-0.1 problems. I guess it was "no such method" errors (if it was something else, please, post a stacktrace). There was an API change in #908. I recompiled and uploaded BoxPlugin-0.1.1 (works only with #908): http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=80426&release_id=180455 .

Permanently deleted user

I hav reason to believe that even if the plugin is not in the stacktrace, it can
have an indirect effect, especially with PSI code.

Sascha Weinreuter wrote:

Nathan Brown wrote:

>>That's weird. It's running totally fine for me at the moment (touch wood).
>>Did you try removing all your plugins?

Nope, didn't try to remove all plugins yet, but I doubt that a plugin causes
the errors especially while typing because all plugins work and the stracktraces
are free of any plugin's code.




"Most of you are familiar with the virtues of a programmer.
There are three, of course: laziness, impatience, and hubris."
- Larry Wall

Permanently deleted user

908 works great for me, as long as I don't try to type anything ;)

Then I get stuck in a loop that brings up the submit bug report dialog. I have found that if I hit esc after each character I type, I can still be somewhat productive.

S-esc-t-esc-r-esc-i-esc-n-est-g-est- -esc-t-esc-e-esc-s-esc-t-esc-=-esc-"-esc-t-esc-e-esc-s-esc-t-esc-"-esc-;-esc-enter-esc


Pretty hilarious. I can't decide if you're being sarcastic or just very very obsessed with running the latest EAP.

Permanently deleted user

A little of both ;)


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