Large html file with unclosed <style> tag becomes unresponsive

A large html file with unclosed tag becomes unresponsive: I opened a fairly large (50k) HTML file with an unclosed style tag in the section on IDEA 7.0.1. Once the file was open each character typed in the file took seconds to appear, until I managed to close off the style block. The file in question contains a large

]]> construct.

Actually editing the file with the style block closed is responsive but a little slow. It appears to be causing a large number of garbage collections.

This is on a 4 core machine configured with an abundance of RAM.

Permanently deleted user

Please, file JIRA request with CPU snapshot (with and without styleblock)

Dave Cherry wrote:

A large html file with unclosed <style> tag becomes unresponsive:
I opened a fairly large (50k) HTML file with an unclosed style tag in the <head> section on IDEA 7.0.1. Once the file was open each character typed in the file took seconds to appear, until I managed to close off the style block.

The file in question contains a large <table> construct.

Actually editing the file with the style block closed is responsive but a little slow. It appears to be causing a large number of garbage collections.

This is on a 4 core machine configured with an abundance of RAM.

Best regards,
Maxim Mossienko
IntelliJ Labs / JetBrains Inc.
"Develop with pleasure!"


Created: IDEA-16638

Contains CPU graphs and a test file that re-creates the problem.


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