Output window doesn't stay scrolled to bottom in IDEA 7.0?
Maybe I'm just missing a setting somewhere, but I can't get the output tab to stay scrolled at the bottom.
In other words, when I run my app (or a test, or whatever), the log output starts pouring into the output tab at the bottom of the IDE. But instead of the tab scrolling along and showing the latest output (like Unix's "tail -f" would do), the scrollbar stays put at the top, showing the first (and usually least interesting) lines only.
How can I recover this functionality? It is frustrating to have to manually scroll to the bottom, where the interesting parts (test pass/fail, errors, stacktraces, etc.), every single time.
C Grayson
Austin, TX
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What I've experienced is if you put the cursor to the bottom of the console it keeps scrolling, and stops when you move the cursor away, which I appreciate a lot, as it lets me read at my own pace when I notice something interesting
Wow, I just realized that this post is 14 years old and I'm experiencing the same thing as @....
@... - I tried what you suggested, but that didn't work for me. Immediately after executing code in the repl - the repl jumps back up near the middle to top of the history in the repl and I have to manually scroll back down.
Is anyone else experiencing this?
Do you have Scroll to End option enabled?
if possible please record a short screencast showing the problem and collect the IDE logs. (Help | Collect Logs and Diagnostic Data)
The files can be uploaded at https://uploads.jetbrains.com
Hmmm, here is a screen cast I took earlier.
Upload id: 2021_11_22_CFUJrNvFRQY94kzg (file: creating-website-ktor – Application.kt [creating-website-ktor.main] 2021-11-22 16-56-34.mp4)
However, I just restarted IDEA and the behavior seems to work as I would expect. Please look at the video, if you don't mind. Maybe there is still something strange going on.
Kyle Manning Hi! I failed to reproduce the problem. Please, create an issue and attach idea logs the next time you meet the problem.
Interesting that this thread is so old, but I've just barely started having this problem with the “New Terminal” that launched in 2024. I don't see any options for “scroll to the bottom” anymore, but the new terminal goes *back* to the top after each command. Disabling the new terminal solved the problem for me.
Bryant Casteel Solutions to try:
If it doesn't help, you are welcome to submit a new bug report to our issue tracker for further investigation. Make sure to provide IDE logs for analysis (entire archive): Help | Collect Logs and Diagnostic Data. We will search for exceptions and check your system environment settings. Logs can be attached to the ticket or uploaded privately to our server.