By other words - it is will be possible soon to port this uidesigner plugin to Ariadna for example? Just implements GUI editor, and provide Ant task for compilation. Regards, -- Alexey Efimov, Software Engineer Sputnik Labs, "Anton Katilin" <> wrote in message news:bego8m$6so$
There will be an Ant task for form compilation.
-- Best regards, Anton Katilin --------------------------------------------------------- JetBrains, Inc / IntelliJ Software "Develop with pleasure!"
It's impossible to use UI designer plugin with Ariadna because it uses new API for editors and new internal compiler/make API introduced in Aurora. Why do you need it?
By other words - it is will be possible soon to port this uidesigner
to Ariadna for example? Just implements GUI editor, and provide Ant task for compilation. Regards, -- Alexey Efimov, Software Engineer Sputnik Labs, "Anton Katilin" <> wrote in message news:bego8m$6so$
There will be an Ant task for form compilation.
-- Best regards, Anton Katilin --------------------------------------------------------- JetBrains, Inc / IntelliJ Software "Develop with pleasure!"
Anton, I do not want to "move" UIdesigner to Ariadna, i want to create myouw editor and use Ant task. I want to move it to Ariadna becose it only stable IDEA for today. I believe that Aurora come to stable soon, but how long it will be unstable..., i don't know. So, i wand to test, in any case, new features that you will addded to Aurora. I think it not to hard port it to stable build ant test with it.
It's impossible to use UI designer plugin with Ariadna because it uses new API for editors and new internal compiler/make API introduced in Aurora. Why do you need it?
-- Best regards, Anton Katilin --------------------------------------------------------- JetBrains, Inc / IntelliJ Software "Develop with pleasure!"
By other words - it is will be possible soon to port this uidesigner
to Ariadna for example? Just implements GUI editor, and provide Ant task for compilation. Regards, -- Alexey Efimov, Software Engineer Sputnik Labs, "Anton Katilin" <> wrote in message news:bego8m$6so$
There will be an Ant task for form compilation.
-- Best regards, Anton Katilin --------------------------------------------------------- JetBrains, Inc / IntelliJ Software "Develop with pleasure!"
Of course you can try to do this. However I think it's tremendous amount of work (and you risk to not finish it until release of Aurora when it will become completely senseless :)).
Anton, I do not want to "move" UIdesigner to Ariadna, i want to create myouw
and use Ant task. I want to move it to Ariadna becose it only stable IDEA for today. I
that Aurora come to stable soon, but how long it will be unstable..., i don't know. So, i wand to test, in any case, new features that you will addded to Aurora. I think it not to hard port it to stable build ant test with it.
It's impossible to use UI designer plugin with Ariadna because it uses
API for editors and new internal compiler/make API introduced in Aurora. Why do you need it?
-- Best regards, Anton Katilin --------------------------------------------------------- JetBrains, Inc / IntelliJ Software "Develop with pleasure!"
By other words - it is will be possible soon to port this uidesigner
to Ariadna for example? Just implements GUI editor, and provide Ant task for compilation. Regards, -- Alexey Efimov, Software Engineer Sputnik Labs, "Anton Katilin" <> wrote in message news:bego8m$6so$
There will be an Ant task for form compilation.
-- Best regards, Anton Katilin --------------------------------------------------------- JetBrains, Inc / IntelliJ Software "Develop with pleasure!"
I am trying to build a plugin that will generate source code from the .form file (I really like Idea and I like the GUI builder and want to use it, I just do not like the fact that it performs byte code manipulation instead of generating source code from the xml, so I decided to write a plugin). I have taken a look at the .form file and for the most part it seems staright forward, however I have noticed that JPanels are not identified with a component element as I would have expected. Instead, JPanels seem to be identified by the existance of an xy element that is not a child of a constraints element. I was asking for anydocumentation so I could confirm this and to see if there were any other things like that which I have not seen yet.
xy tag stands for panel not converted to grid yet, and grid is a panel with grid layout. Forms with xy panels should be treated as not completed ones, so no code should be generated for such panels.
I am trying to build a plugin that will generate source code from the
.form file (I really like Idea and I like the GUI builder and want to use it, I just do not like the fact that it performs byte code manipulation instead of generating source code from the xml, so I decided to write a plugin). I have taken a look at the .form file and for the most part it seems staright forward, however I have noticed that JPanels are not identified with a component element as I would have expected. Instead, JPanels seem to be identified by the existance of an xy element that is not a child of a constraints element. I was asking for anydocumentation so I could confirm this and to see if there were any other things like that which I have not seen yet.
xy tag stands for panel not converted to grid yet, and grid is a panel
grid layout. Forms with xy panels should be treated as not completed ones, so no code should be generated for such panels.
-- Best regards, Anton Katilin --------------------------------------------------------- JetBrains, Inc / IntelliJ Software "Develop with pleasure!"
I am trying to build a plugin that will generate source code from the
.form file (I really like Idea and I like the GUI builder and want to use it, I just do not like the fact that it performs byte code manipulation instead of generating source code from the xml, so I decided to write a plugin). I have taken a look at the .form file and for the most part it seems staright forward, however I have noticed that JPanels are not identified with a component element as I would have expected. Instead, JPanels seem to be identified by the existance of an xy element that is
a child of a constraints element. I was asking for anydocumentation so I could confirm this and to see if there were any other things like that
Ralph Saunders wrote:
Currently we provide *.form files as is. Work is in progress so there is
no documentation.
With best regards,
Vladimir Kondratyev
Is it planed to create "external" tool to compile these forms XML files into
class byte code?
Like an inspection tool.
Alexey Efimov, Software Engineer
Sputnik Labs,
"Vladimir Kondratyev" <> wrote in message
.form files?
There will be an Ant task for form compilation.
Best regards,
Anton Katilin
JetBrains, Inc / IntelliJ Software
"Develop with pleasure!"
"Alexey Efimov" <> wrote in message
By other words - it is will be possible soon to port this uidesigner plugin
to Ariadna for example?
Just implements GUI editor, and provide Ant task for compilation.
Alexey Efimov, Software Engineer
Sputnik Labs,
"Anton Katilin" <> wrote in message
It's impossible to use UI designer plugin with Ariadna because it uses new
API for editors and new internal compiler/make API introduced in Aurora.
Why do you need it?
Best regards,
Anton Katilin
JetBrains, Inc / IntelliJ Software
"Develop with pleasure!"
"Alexey Efimov" <> wrote in message
I do not want to "move" UIdesigner to Ariadna, i want to create myouw editor
and use Ant task.
I want to move it to Ariadna becose it only stable IDEA for today. I believe
that Aurora come to stable soon, but how long it will be unstable..., i
don't know.
So, i wand to test, in any case, new features that you will addded to
Aurora. I think it not to hard port it to stable build ant test with it.
Alexey Efimov, Software Engineer
Sputnik Labs,
"Anton Katilin" <> wrote in message
Of course you can try to do this. However I think it's tremendous amount of
work (and you risk to not finish it until release of Aurora when it will
become completely senseless :)).
Valentin Kipiatkov
JetBrains, Inc
"Develop with pleasure!"
"Alexey Efimov" <> wrote in message
I am trying to build a plugin that will generate source code from the .form file (I really like Idea and I like the GUI builder and want to use it, I just do not like the fact that it performs byte code manipulation instead of generating source code from the xml, so I decided to write a plugin). I have taken a look at the .form file and for the most part it seems staright forward, however I have noticed that JPanels are not identified with a component element as I would have expected. Instead, JPanels seem to be identified by the existance of an xy element that is not a child of a constraints element. I was asking for anydocumentation so I could confirm this and to see if there were any other things like that which I have not seen yet.
xy tag stands for panel not converted to grid yet, and grid is a panel with
grid layout. Forms with xy panels should be treated as not completed ones,
so no code should be generated for such panels.
Best regards,
Anton Katilin
JetBrains, Inc / IntelliJ Software
"Develop with pleasure!"
"Ralph Saunders" <> wrote in message
.form file (I really like Idea and I like the GUI builder and want to use
it, I just do not like the fact that it performs byte code manipulation
instead of generating source code from the xml, so I decided to write a
plugin). I have taken a look at the .form file and for the most part it
seems staright forward, however I have noticed that JPanels are not
identified with a component element as I would have expected. Instead,
JPanels seem to be identified by the existance of an xy element that is not
a child of a constraints element. I was asking for anydocumentation so I
could confirm this and to see if there were any other things like that which
I have not seen yet.
Why is not using absolute positioning? Why using JetBrains GridLayoutManager
instead of standard mechanizm of Swing layouting?
Alexey Efimov, Software Engineer
Sputnik Labs,
"Anton Katilin" <> wrote in message
Alexey Efimov wrote:
Do you think that absolute positioning is a way to lay components out?
GridLayoutManager is a quite stardard mechanism.
Vladimir Kondratyev