Help! with new project configuration

I cannot for the life of me get this thing to work... I have tried the last 4 EAP releases to no avail.

3.0.5 is very happy though.

We have a massive source tree, with literally thousands of classes. I (clearly) work on a more reasonable subset of those, but still involving hundreds of classes.

(running on W2K SP4)

Note however I try to do thing via the wizard it can be very painful, taking 30 to 90 minutes end to end to set up my project configuration.

So I try two ways:
1. add a root X:\ and then add source dir like com/mycompany/project/subproject
2. add a root X:/com/mycompany/project/subproject

Either way, idea errors out all of my package tags saying my file is in the wrong package, and cannot even resolve references within the same dir (package)

Note that my root is not as simple as X:\, it's more like X:\ccm_wa\Source~1234\Source (our wacky config mgmt software)

Any ideas or help in the matter? I'm really eager to get onto EAP (since I enjoyed it so much during ariadna)

Permanently deleted user

The source directory needs to point to the first directory for your

For example, if I have com.myproject.mysection then when I want to set my
source dir to the directory containing the com directory. If you set the
source dir to /container/com/myproject/mysection IntelliJ won't recognize
the packages like you said.


"Dave Goldstein" <> wrote in message

I cannot for the life of me get this thing to work... I have tried the

last 4 EAP releases to no avail.

3.0.5 is very happy though.


We have a massive source tree, with literally thousands of classes. I

(clearly) work on a more reasonable subset of those, but still involving
hundreds of classes.

(running on W2K SP4)


Note however I try to do thing via the wizard it can be very painful,

taking 30 to 90 minutes end to end to set up my project configuration.

So I try two ways:
1. add a root X:\ and then add source dir like


2. add a root X:/com/mycompany/project/subproject


Either way, idea errors out all of my package tags saying my file is in

the wrong package, and cannot even resolve references within the same dir

Note that my root is not as simple as X:\, it's more like

X:\ccm_wa\Source~1234\Source (our wacky config mgmt software)

Any ideas or help in the matter? I'm really eager to get onto EAP (since I

enjoyed it so much during ariadna)

Permanently deleted user

I want to set my source dir to the directory containing the com directory

That was option #1 that I tried.

It also did not work.

Permanently deleted user

...oh wait...

did you mean that I have to, using my example, add a root X:\ and then also add source dir X:\???

Do I then need to explicitly exclude the 20 other directories containing 10,000 java classes that I cannot ever phycically obtain enough memory or CPU power for IDEA to manage?


Permanently deleted user

Dave Goldstein wrote:

>> I want to set my source dir to the directory containing the com directory

That was option #1 that I tried.

It also did not work.

It should (and works fine for us) - please post request to tracker, with
your .iml and .ipr, if possible


Dmitry Lomov
IntelliJ Labs / JetBrains Inc.
"Develop with pleasure!"


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