[Variable|Parameter] XXX can have final modifier
I noticed that codes open up in build 833 are having lots of warnings of this, which does not exists in earlier builds.
Is there a way to turn off this? I noticed that there is no options to turn it off in IDE -> Errors.
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simplicity wrote:
In your project .iws file find all inspection_tool elements and set
enabled attribute to false. Then restart IDEA.
It works. Thanks.
But if it is an "Error" check, then shouldn't it be in Options->Errors?
i think it runs off the code inspections dialog. Open the code inspections dialog and uncheck the things you don't want. Click cancel and it should be changed. They are going to change this because hitting cancel to make changes just doesn't make sense
"simplicity" <no_mail@jetbrains.com> wrote in message
While open API to instections we found that local inspections can be easily
run in background (with errors highlighting), so we put this feature in, but
UI for it is not done yet.
Best regards,
Dmitry Peshehonov
JetBrains, Inc, http://www.intellij.com