#823 is out!

#823 is out!


but it still not support aspectj
when will u open it to us
how long should i wait for it


Seems like it contains little changes. I saw bugs 13070 and 11848 fixed.

I'm waiting for the cvs bugs to be fix, so that I can use it. :(


So generics support and a GUI builder are now considered "little changes"?
Not to mention the 98 or so (according to tracker) bugs that have been fixed
since build 818, including several CVS fixes. It seems that you have not
made any effort to see what has really changed, let alone downloaded 823 to
test for yourself.

"simplicity" <jiveadmin@jetbrains.com> wrote in message

Seems like it contains little changes. I saw bugs 13070 and 11848 fixed.


I'm waiting for the cvs bugs to be fix, so that I can use it. :(


aiya wrote:

but it still not support aspectj
when will u open it to us
how long should i wait for it

Please stop whining.

Do you have a job? How would you feel if your betatesters start mailing you such requests
to deliver something which is not ready yet? Posts like this just put unneeded pressure on
the development team.

Remember - this is their job, not their life (well, I hope so).



On Tue, 10 Jun 2003 15:17:56 +0300, dimiter wrote:

Do you have a job? How would you feel if your betatesters start mailing
you such requests to deliver something which is not ready yet? Posts like
this just put unneeded pressure on the development team.

I would have hated to IDEA to come out with the GUI, Generics, AND AspectJ
support in this release, two fairly major items in a release will be
enough to keep Dmitry and Eugene busy for a few weeks :)


...turn to the light - don't be frightened by the shadows it creates,
...turn to the light - turning away could be a terrible mistake
...dream theater - the great debate


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