818 Updating a jarfile defined in project libraries causes it to be not available

When updating a jarfile that a project depends on in the background causes IDEA to loose it. Shouldn't the IDE try to reload it? If I try to remove the library and reconfigure it, IDEA won't even find it. Seems like IDEA doesn't update the filechooser.
The only solution seems to be to restart IDEA.

Permanently deleted user

When updating a jarfile that a project depends on in the background causes

IDEA to loose it.

Shouldn't the IDE try to reload it?

Works here, but I'm doing it all within idea. Two projects open, maje
changes in one, recreate jars with ant, switch to the other project ->
everything is there.

What idea version are you using?

If I try to remove the library and reconfigure it, IDEA won't even find


Seems like IDEA doesn't update the filechooser.

The file chooser has a refresh/relaod/synchronize? button to refresh the

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I'm using build 818. I couldn't reproduce the same problem every time i recreated the jar. Maybe it depends on if the jar is there at the moment IDEA checks the file locations?

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Valentin Kipiatkov
JetBrains, Inc
"Develop with pleasure!"

"Sakke Wiik" <jiveadmin@jetbrains.com> wrote in message

When updating a jarfile that a project depends on in the background causes

IDEA to loose it. Shouldn't the IDE try to reload it? If I try to remove the
library and reconfigure it, IDEA won't even find it. Seems like IDEA doesn't
update the filechooser.

The only solution seems to be to restart IDEA.


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