How to enable russian spellckeck
What is the correct way to include Russian language spellckeck in IDEA/webstorm as it is for English by default?
I tried to execute the instructions found there:
dictionary is added, but it seem that it does not work (russian words with mistakes are not highlighted).
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Seem to be working here:
That's in PhpStorm v9.0.2 in .php file.
As you can clearly see dictionary itself is not THAT great. You may try one from here (it is better): -- just delete 2 first comment lines in each file and convert to UTF-8 encoding (original files did not work for me)
Original text for spelling (taken from ):
Hi there,
So .. please show how did you do it (screenshots etc).
I've added the dict (just pub russian.dic in the folder and added it in Settings/Dictionaries)
Restarted and expect russian words with mistakes to be underlined as they are for English.
Webstorm 11 EAP. Windows 7x64.
Thanks! That worked for me!