Please import netbeans form file


I was forced to develop an application using Netbeans because it has a GUI builder. However, I've every intention to move the project to intellij as soon as it provides GUI editing support. Here is the kicker. Netbeans uses a form file to store GUI editing information and I hope intellij can import the layout and event handling information from it.

A side topic. I've tried many GUI builders in the past: VisualAge for Java, JBuilder, Cafe, Interface Builder, JForge, FreeBuilder, Parts for Java, Together J, Netbeans ... to name a few. As far as GUI editing goes, I rank Parts for Java and VisualAge for Java the best tools I've used. However, many moons later, many of them are out of commission. Since I've switched to MacOSX as my main development platform, I do not want to consider platform specific tools. This leaves me with three choices:

1. Netbeans - Just plain slow and the IDE cannot touch Intellij in terms of ease of use.

2. Together J - Prohibitively expensive and the slowest GUI builder I've encountered so far.

3. JBuilder - Only wants Linux, Windows and Solaris markets. Someday, I'll get around to install the darn thing in Solaris environment and try move it to MacOSX to see if it runs.

Given that, I wish Intellij all the success and provide a GUI tool that can edit events a la VisualAge and be as intuitive as NeXT's Interface Builder.

Permanently deleted user

Considering that the IDEA gui builder will not be a generic Swing GUI builder (see other topics), it is unlikely that they can provide an import function for other IDEs.

I had the same problem of legacy Netbeans forms. At first, I just switched to Netbeans whenever I needed to edit the form. Lately however, I have been refactoring the dialogs manually because I was't to happy with the generated code anyway.

Permanently deleted user

On Sun, 11 May 2003 08:32:10 +0000, edwin hautus wrote:

I had the same problem of legacy Netbeans forms. At first, I just switched
to Netbeans whenever I needed to edit the form. Lately however, I have
been refactoring the dialogs manually because I was't to happy with the
generated code anyway.

Once we know the final XML layout that Idea will use, shouldn't be too
hard to write some XSLT to handle it...

...turn to the light - don't be frightened by the shadows it creates,
...turn to the light - turning away could be a terrible mistake
...dream theater - the great debate

Permanently deleted user

This is from 2003 are there any solutions or workarounds?


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