Good ER/JPA Modeler?

I'm just starting a project that will need extensive JPA modeling.
I tried writing @Entity's only, but I am loosing overview much too soon.
The ER diagram in Idea helps a little, but it's static only.
Plus there's no way to see the "physical" structure of DB tables.

I am going to look at VP DB Architect, but it's a little pricey and I am not
yet sure how well it supports JPA.

So: What tools are out there that come close to Idea's usability and can
do solid JPA modeling?

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You can try VP-UML Community Edition, with that you can model both ERD and your ORM diagrams. You get no code generation though, even worse, no XMI export.

Another option is to use androMDA( to the the generation stuff, and you just have to model an UML class diagram with the correct stereotypes. In the androMDA site there's a list of applications that you can use to model, some are free, others are not so free.


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