Build #809 - Read only files bug
I had a file that was read-only that I wanted to edit, so I went to explorer and turned off its read-only flag. Then I switched back to Aurora, but Aurora still wouldn't let me edit the file (typing had no effect, ie the same behaviour as with a genuinely read-only file).
So I edited the file in another editor, saved it and toggled back to IDEA. The 'lock' icon had disappeared from the filename tab, however I was still unable to edit the file. A
was thrown (see attached log).
This is 100% repeatable. WinXP.
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File the bug in tracker!
Chris Miller wrote:
Sorry, my bad - I had a look at the tracker and it appeared to only have
3.0.x bugs logged in there, so I figured here was the appropriate place.
Guess I had a filter applied, since I can see the 80x bugs in there now.
Thanks for the nudge!
809 is entirely unusable with this bug. please please fix it and release
810 soon!
Chris Miller wrote:
I agree. I've had to go back to 807.
Jordan Zimmerman
Altura International
Catalog City
Me too.
how do i get 807? it's not on the web site anymore, and i was out of
town when it was there :(
Anders Wallgren wrote:
where can i get 807? i was out of town when it was on the web site. :(
Jordan Zimmerman wrote:
Go to the download page, copy the link, change 809 to 807.
thanks ]]>
Carlos Costa e Silva wrote: