Es6 sourcemap debugging have to reload debugger to add new breakpoints
I have a gulp watch task that compiles Es6 to Es5 with sourcemaps. I then setup the Webstorm debugger to monitor localhost:9000, this works partially.
After gulp watch is serving on port 9000, I then run the debugger but it only stops on predefined breadkpoint, ie if I add a breakpoint then run the debugger it stops, but if I add another breakpoint while the debugger is running then it won't hit it until I click on the debugger icon and reload. If I open chrome devtools debugger I can add breakpoints without reloading and it will hit each breakpoint.
Is there a way to configure the jetbrains debugger to hit additional breakpoints without having to rerun the debugger?
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Just tried this in the latest EAP of Phpstorm and it is working without having to reload.