Not with 7.0, but WL6.1 was easy enough. Just start the server with debug params and set breakpoints in EJBs. If you're interested in EJB initialization, just set suspend=y. How different is 7.0? I haven't played with it yet.
Yes, I have debugging working fine with WLS 7.0. As mentioned in the previous post, you can copy and paste the options in the remote debug window into the startWeblogic.cmd (or .sh) as such:
set JAVA_OPTIONS= -Xdebug -Xnoagent -Djava.compiler=NONE -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=n,address=5005
Then start the WLS server, and indicate debug in IDEA. Keep in mind that if you are calling the EJBs from a webapp you still need to pull up your webapp page in a web browser to activate the EJBs.
This works equally well or perhaps even better with JBoss.
Not with 7.0, but WL6.1 was easy enough. Just start the server with debug params and set breakpoints in EJBs. If you're interested in EJB initialization, just set suspend=y. How different is 7.0? I haven't played with it yet.
Yes, I have debugging working fine with WLS 7.0. As mentioned in the previous post, you can copy and paste the options in the remote debug window into the startWeblogic.cmd (or .sh) as such:
set JAVA_OPTIONS= -Xdebug -Xnoagent -Djava.compiler=NONE -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=n,address=5005
Then start the WLS server, and indicate debug in IDEA. Keep in mind that if you are calling the EJBs from a webapp you still need to pull up your webapp page in a web browser to activate the EJBs.
This works equally well or perhaps even better with JBoss.
oh, thanks a lot to andrew and vince !