How to reopen the latest closed files
I cannot find an option to reopen the latest files I had open, but did
close. File->Reopen only shows a possibility to reopen projects.
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This will display a list of recently used files.
Hello Evert,
E> I cannot find an option to reopen the latest files I had open, but
E> did close. File->Reopen only shows a possibility to reopen projects.
View | Recent Files... (Ctrl-E)
Dmitry Jemerov
Software Developer
"Develop with Pleasure!"
"Dmitry Jemerov" <> wrote
Ah, you do not know how happy you made me with this little typ! I am working
on a new project and have not got the directory structure in my head, and
was reloading and refinding the files I recently worked with time after
after time. :)
If someone googles for this in 2018+, the command on the mac is
Ctrl + 2 (^2)
The command on mac is:
cmd + e
The list of recently used files is not always helping you with latest closed files. You can close files without using them (by clicking the X on the tab, without activating the tab and this will not add the closed file to the list). A command like Ctrl+Shift+T in Chrome would be very useful.
Just found a menu entry that works exactly like Ctrl+Shift+T: Window / Editor Tabs / Reopen Closed Tab
You can probably assign a shortcut to it.
You may set the hot key by yourself, go to settings and type in search field "reopen closed tab", set your prefered hotkey
i used idea 2019.2
If it is the file you are currently working in, the easiest way to do this is to just navigate BACK to your previous cursor location:
ctrl + alt + <<left arrow key >>
Hope this helps,