idea660.tar.gz for Linux, I must download the JRE too or what??


I've just downloaded the idea660.tar.gz for linux, I must download the
jre or what??

I can't see any installation instructions on the download page regarding
the JRE issue, and my previous build was 655, which I used to specify
the JAVA_HOME in the startup script... now what??

Thanks in advance

1 comment
Permanently deleted user

Hi Ramy,

The new download instructions were overwritten by mistake during yesterday
problems with our site.
Now the correct instructions are back. Sorry for inconvenience.

Here's the citation:
Installation instructions

1.. Move the file you just downloaded to an appropriate installation
location. Unpack and uncompress the file to any empty directory. We will now
refer to this directory as your installation home.
2.. If you are downloading the EAP build for the first time you should
also download the provided JRE archive that matches your OS and unpack its
'jre' directory to installation home. IDEA won't start otherwise.
3.. Run the appropriate idea startup script and IntelliJ IDEA should


Best regards,
Eugene Zhuravlev
JetBrains, Inc,
"Develop with pleasure!"

"Ramy Mamdouh" <> wrote in message



I've just downloaded the idea660.tar.gz for linux, I must download the
jre or what??


I can't see any installation instructions on the download page regarding
the JRE issue, and my previous build was 655, which I used to specify
the JAVA_HOME in the startup script... now what??


Thanks in advance



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