Cannot connect to Chrome tab

I have been using WebStorm for some time now without a problem.  Last week, an "incident" occurred that left me unable to debug under Chrome.  First some details:

Windows 7 Professional, version 6.1 (Build 7601: Service Pack 1)
WebStorm 6.0.2
JDK: 1.7.0_10
Chrome 37.0.2062.103 m

The "incident" occurred when I was running WebStorm and two Eclipse-based IDE tools.  I started compile and debug loads in the IDEs and started WebStorm debugging simultaneously.  My PC nearly ground to a halt and one of the Eclipse IDEs crashed while loading flash via jtag pod.  RAM usage went to 100% on my PC.  After this incident, when I start a remote debug session under Chrome, the tab comes up with the "data:text/html;..." URL.  WebStorm acts like its connected, but the Debugger tab show "Cannot connect to Chrome tab, ensure that Web Inspector is closed".  Its a Remote session, but the URL is a "file://..." protocol type, and I start Chrome with the "--disable-web-security" because the local pages access an external device for data.  This has worked great up to the crash.

Any ideas on what to look for to fix this.  I've attached my idea.log file, but it doesn't seem to show anythig significant.


Most probably the issue is actually caused by Chrome update: some Chrome API changes introduced in v.37 break js debugger.
Please can you attach your idea.log and extension console content (, How do I know what's wrong?)



Thank you for your quick response.  I attached the idea.log to my original post.  Here is the content of the extension console:

Ready to load system 1.13 for WebStorm 6.0.2 ( logging.kt:43
System 1.13 loaded for WebStorm 6.0.2 ( logging.kt:43
System 1.13 connected to WebStorm 6.0.2 ( logging.kt:43
IN [1,"Debugger","attach",["file:///C:/Localdisk/work/atb/dev/index.html?qpm0e544d",true]] browser-ext-platform.js:722
file:///C:/Localdisk/work/atb/dev/index.html?qpm0e544d: existing attached tab not found, candidate not exists browser-ext-platform.js:722
create tab: data:text/html;base64,PCFET0NUWVBFIGh0bWw+PHRpdGxlPkxvYWRpbmcgZmlsZTovLy9DOi9Mb2NhbGRpc2svd29yay9hdGIvZGV2L2luZGV4Lmh0bWw/cXBtMGU1NDRkPC90aXRsZT4= browser-ext-platform.js:722
lastFocusedWindow found browser-ext-platform.js:722
attachDebugger: existing dom not found browser-ext-platform.js:722
Cannot access contents of url "data:text/html;base64,PCFET0NUWVBFIGh0bWw+PHRpdGxlPkxvYWRpbmcgZmlsZTovLy9DOi9Mb2NhbGRpc2svd29yay9hdGIvZGV2L2luZGV4Lmh0bWw/cXBtMGU1NDRkPC90aXRsZT4=". Extension manifest must request permission to access this host. browser-ext-platform.js:715


Seems to be Chrome compatibility issue indeed. Please check if the problem persists after downgrading Crome to 36.*. Or, try using WebStorm 9 EAP (


This was working right up to the crash.  I had updated Chrome as part of my attempt to fix it.


I don't believe it is related to the crash...


Installing the latest WebSorm is not an option (corporate PC) and downgrading Chrome seems near impossible.  Can the JetBrains extension be repaired?


You can't downgrade, but can uninstall Chrome and then install old version.

Can the JetBrains extension be repaired?

It's not about extension repairing, as not all problems caused by Chrome API changes can be resolved on  extension level - some of them require patching the IDE code. And these  are the changes that can't be backported to older versions:(


Downgrading Chrome is still not an option.  Having to purchase a new version forces me to evaluate all JavaScript development environments available and select one that best suits our needs.



I was able to roll back to Chrome 36 because my PC is set up to create restore points on each installation.  Will this be fixed in WebStorm 8?  I do not want to wait for version 9 if I don't have to.


We don't plan to release any WebStorm 8 updates - WebStorm 9 is just around the corner


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