error, first commit and push to github
For several days I have an error message in PhpStorm.
I work with PhpStorm 7.1.3.
If I commit a spending version management git push to github and then I get an error message.
An example:
Error executing git commit - only-FC: \ Users \ Stephen \ AppData \ Local \ Temp \ git-commit-msg-3685433385460200187.txt "- author = Stephan Krauss" - library / nook / Adminnavigation.php application / modules / admin / models / KooperationenEinesProgrammes.php
If I repeat the commit, then the commit is done.
A file is not commitet.
What am I doing wrong?
Sincerely yours
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When I try again to commit this file then I get the error message again.
Error executing git commit --only -F C:\Users\Stephan\AppData\Local\Temp\git-commit-msg-6967568624285588615.txt "--author=Stephan Krauss" -- application/modules/admin/models/KooperationenEinesProgrammes.php