Live edit - only refresh?
Hey guys!
I'm playing around with the new phpstorm 5 and with the live edit feature. I really like the idea of the plugin - it can really save time (especially when you have a second monitor :)) Now the thing is - I'm working on a joomla project. Whenever I edit one of the layout files (they are all php...) the page refreshes. Is this supposed to be that way ?
Also when edit a javascript file or css file - I don't see anything changed? Do I need to enable something?
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LiveEdit sync html/css/javascrit using hotswap — browser tab is not reloaded. But PHP and layout files (smarty, twig) using reload.
So — if page reloaded on edit php file, it is normal. If you don't see any change on edit JS/CSS file — it is bug, please file issue (please attach css/js file and details).
On this subject - is it possible to turn off PHP editing to refresh page? Before I write my whole statement my app reloads multiple times and generates errors (mostly syntax errors). And when developing an AJAX app this is really bad to have my page reloaded on almost every keypress. CSS - works awseome for me. PHP - not so much...
Can I somehow change this behavior?
Did you ever find a solution to this?