Custom Twilight theme
My custom Twilight theme. Please help with missing languages! :)
It's pretty great with the Monaco (Win) or Liberation Mono (Linux) font. See attached screenshots below
2013-05-25 UPDATE: Updated to support phpStorm 6.0.2,
- Phpstorm v6 changed file naming and has a more effecient structure, file-size is much smaller
- 2 new lanaguages
- Changed the "Diff" colors to be easier on the eye for dark themes
Languages supported in color scheme:
HTML, RegExp, Cmd, Apache config, CSS, Javascript, SQL, PHP, LESS, SASS, Handlebars/Mustache, NEW: Objective-C (thanks kreeger!), NEW: CoffeeScript
Missing languages: Cucumber, JSP, Smarty, Twig, XML, YAML, Ruby, Python, ... ?
Recommended font setting:
- Linux: Liberation Mono, size=15, line spacing=0.9 (DISABLE: Settings | Editor | Appearance | "Use antialiased font")
- Windows: Monaco, size=14, line spacing=0.8
- Mac: Menlo?
- Console font: Envy Code R, size=12, line spacing=1.0
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Thank you!
In case you modify others please post
UPDATED: Added HTML and Javascript proper colors
Hey rafi!
What about a PhpStorm 2 version?
Good work,
Well, it seems that version 2 only introduced a gutter color, not much of a difference. (See first post for attachment)
Already forgot how to install this..
Check javascript:;
Just use 'WebIde10' instead or 'RubyMine10'
Hope it helps,
Thank you..
I was looking under appliction support..
Click to enlarge:

General, PHP, HTML, CSS, JS, SQL, Regex, etc (basically all except groovy, sass, android) - updated to IDEA 10.0.1 (they resemble the original twilight theme from IDEA 9 & PHPStorm 1)
Merry X-mas!
NOTE: this is not an update of the above custom theme, only a fix for the original theme
Twilight New.xml
Thanks for sharing! Have a nice holidays!
Thanks. I'm using your theme with great pleasure
UPDATED: More languages, more colors, more fun. (See first post for attachment)
Hi rafib,
Thanks for sharing!
Thank you Rafib, it's a very nice theme :)
You're welcome guys! I'm glad it's useful.
Thanks! Just installed the theme - very eye-friendly. B-)
Does anybody happen to know if it's possible to change the background and font color of the tool windows (i.e. project window, phing window...), too?
Suggestions are mostly welcomed with open arms. :)
I'm putting together a public database with some phpStorm themes. To make it easier for new users to find and install new themes.
Do you mind if I include yours?
Hi ivan, sure - that will be fine. Just make sure to put proper credits
and post back here the link so we could all enjoy!
Updated to phpStorm 3.0.1
Updated to phpStorm 5.0.4 and added Handlebars/Mustache
I would love to see support for Objective-C, if anybody is up to the challenge!
Go for it Ben ! And don't forget to post back so I could merge it in :)
Haha I figured somebody would task me with it, so I rolled up my sleeves and whipped something up yesterday afternoon. I'll post it later today!
Edit: here it is!
I've added all the "OC." nodes and "OC_FORMAT_TOKEN" which looked relevant.
Updated thread with newer version.