Is it possible to have PhpStorm remember tab position? And, an accessibility request.

I generally close PhpStorm with several tabs open.  When I restart it the next day, the tab positioning is messed up (I think it reorders them alphabetically).  Is there a way to force it to keep the tabs in the same order they were when I closed the program?  I haven't found anything in the settings that will do this.  While it's not a big deal to reposition the tabs manually every morning, it is annoying.

Also, as a physically disabled programmer, I find it disappointing that one's license information cannot simply be pasted in.  From a simple, normal usability standpoint, being required to manually enter 3-4 lines of the license is ridiculous, but when viewed through the lens of accessibility it's especially egregious.  Maybe it's pastable in OSX or Windows, but it's not in Linux Mint.  I understand concerns of piracy, but IMO, the paying users should come first.


Hi there,

1) It remembers tabs and positions here when used on the same computer. But when I use the same project (copy whole folder with project settings) on my home PC.. quite often IDE reorders tabs indeed (but not always -- have no explanation for this).

My suggestion: backup and delete your settings (project one: .idea subfolder as well as IDE-wide: ~/.WebIdeXX) and start from scratch -- maybe it's some config glitch if this happens on every IDE restart.

2) Paste works just fine here on Windows (not context menu, but Ctrl+V shortcut) -- please try your OS shortcut.


RE: 2 -

Shouldn't it work via context menu as well?  For me, the mouse is easier to use than a keyboard (I cramp up after a bit), and I'm sure it's the same for others.


RE: 2 -

Shouldn't it work via context menu as well?  For me, the mouse is easier to use than a keyboard (I cramp up after a bit), and I'm sure it's the same for others.

On one hand you are absolutely correct: it is standard field and I do not see any particular reasons why it should have generic context menu unavailable, especially when you have to enter such long and mixed-case text (which is not as simple as serial number, for example)

On another hand: all what you have to do is to press simple key combination just once to have the text pasted into the filed. Considering that this software is about programming (where you have to type a lot), doing this just once does not seems to be a hard thing to do (for comparison: to write even basic script you will have to press much more keys).


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